European Structural and Investment Funding (ESIF) LETB ESIF/ LEP knowledge sharing webinar 27 August 2015
ESIF and the NHS – Matching Health with Growth Aim of webinars: Understand latest information relating to ESIF agenda Act as a mechanism to share good practice and challenges Make links across NHS and with other sectors Series of three initially, more if proving useful Open to all, for LETBs to offer to local colleagues Mixture of presentations, discussion and external guests – often with a main theme
ESIF and the NHS – Matching Health with Growth Background to ESIF funding and process National infrastructure What’s happened so far Links with LEPs Next steps Plenty of discussion points…
Background to the funding As reminder, main funding pots are ERDF and ESF: The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) focuses on regional development, economic change and enhanced competitiveness. The ERDF’s priorities are to: support innovation and the knowledge-based economy stimulate enterprise and support successful businesses ensure sustainable development, production and consumption build sustainable communities. The European Social Fund (ESF) focuses on training, access to employment and social inclusion. The ESF was set up to: improve employment opportunities and help raise standards of living help people to get better skills and job prospects, particularly for those not in education, employment or training help equip the workforce with the skills needed by business in a competitive global economy combat social exclusion.
Background to the (new) funding Government wanted to change the way money is spent and priorities determined for 2014 – 2020 Role of LEPs replaced role of RDAs, with much more devolved responsibility for leadership of local growth England given €6.2bn for 2014 – 2020 for ESF and ERDF, split notionally across all 39 LEP areas, largely based on levels of depravation – and to be match funded! New priorities for ESIF investments in England are: innovation and research and development support for small and medium-sized businesses low carbon skills employment and social inclusion
Key areas of NHS focus Research, development and innovation Supporting SMEs to commercialise R&D, especially those linked to health science technologies Creating physical infrastructure for innovation, including ‘incubation space’ for new businesses active in innovation Skills and employment Supporting low-skilled people in low-paid work to help them progress, and for apprenticeships Innovative approaches to pre-employment training Social inclusion Tackling barriers to work, including mental health issues Targeting specific communities or ethnic minorities Developing the capacity of social entrepreneurs to address the needs of their local communities
The usual suspects Local Enterprise Partnerships Further Education Higher Education Local Authorities Voluntary Sector NHS?SMEs It’s about partnerships
The process LEPs responsible for investing their allocation of ESIF money over a seven year programme, with public and private partners They will work with DCLG/DWP about timings for calls across various priority areas Calls should reflect their local ESIF strategy and will be shaped by relevant partners Calls requiring direct match will always be issued at: Many LEPs have chosen to match some ESF with national bodies who will run their own calls
The two stages of a bid 1 - Applications will be subject to a Gateway Assessment undertaken by Managing Authority under the following criteria: Applicant eligibility; Activity and expenditure eligibility; and The fit with the ERDF OP and the call. 2 - Proposals that pass the GA move into Core Assessment which consists of the following: Strategic fit; Value for money; Management & control; Deliverability; Procurement / tendering; and State Aid compliance.
National infrastructure ERDF Operational Programme (OP) agreed and published, ESF OP still in draft but no more changes anticipated: achment_data/file/451948/ESFOPFinaldraftv0.7g- FINAL_ pdf achment_data/file/451948/ESFOPFinaldraftv0.7g- FINAL_ pdf Overarching ESIF Growth Programme Board now meeting in full has Ministerial attendance covers ERDF, ESF, EAFDR will review how system is working, including role of LEPs and scope of projects
ESF - What’s happened so far 19 closed calls for ‘Access to Employment’ and ‘Learning and Skills’ priorities across 19 LEPs (plus 2 currently open in Solent LEP) totalling £240m 71 applications to these 19 direct calls in total with a significant proportion of regions/LEP areas oversubscribed Relatively high level of interest in YEI but may remain undersubscribed Big Lottery Fund gone live with first tranche of ‘Building Better Opportunities’ - £175m across 25 LEP areas for social inclusion projects content/programmes/england/building-better-opportunitieshttps:// content/programmes/england/building-better-opportunities
Summary of outline applications to ESF direct calls launched in March 2015 by LEP area Calls launched in MarchOutline Applications LEP AreaNumber of callsPriority Axis IP ValueESF soughtProject ValueVolume Birmingham111.3 (YEI)£33.6m£36m£54m4 Black Country111.3 (YEI)£34m£37.2m£55.9m5 Cornwall122.1£1.5m £1.9m1 Coventry and Warwickshire (YEI)£7.2m £10.8m1 D2N (YEI)£6.4m£11.5m£17.7m9 Heart of South West111.2£0.2m £0.35m1 Humber111.3 (YEI)£6.6m£10.6m£15.2m4 1.2£1m £1.6m (combined with a 1.3 project) Lancashire111.1£1m £1.9m1 Leeds CR121.1£0.5m£1m£2m2 Liverpool City Region111.3 (YEI)£39.3m£20.8m£32.6m7 1.1£10.9m£2.5m£4.2m4 1.2£0.6m£1.5m£2.7m3 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Values included in IP specific values above £31.4m£48.3m2 1.2, 1.3£0.7m£0.9m1 New Anglia1 1.2£3m£2.9m£5.7m1 North East211.3 (YEI)£13.4m£16.9m£22.5m2 1.1£1.5m£3.2m£6.1m6 South East111.3 (YEI)£2.6m£3.6m£5.5m4 Tees Valley311.3 (YEI)£21.8m£32.8m£43.9m12 Thames Valley Berkshire111.2£2.4m £4.8m1 Sub total18 £187.5m£225.9m£338.5m71
Summary of calls for London and for Technical Assistance London11 & 2 1.1, 1.2, 1,3 (YEI), 1.4, 2.1 & 2.2 £50m£110m£208.8m16 Sub total19 £237.5m£335.9m£547.3m87 Technical Assistance13n/a£60m£7.7m£14m19 Total 20n/a £297.5m£343.6m£561.3m106 LEP AreaNumber of callsPriority AxisIPValueESF soughtProject ValueVolume
Match-funding “Actual match funding within the meaning of the European Union and European Social Fund regulations is in the form of cash payments and staff time. Non co-financed projects will be required to provide additional cash match funds that are linked to the European Social Fund side of the project. As long as all other eligibility requirements are met, this could include payments made to providers.” “Exceptionally Volunteer time can be used as match funding in European Social Fund but it is traditionally an area where organisations have struggled to meet the evidence requirements. Organisations proposing to use volunteer time as match must satisfy the Managing Authority during the appraisal process that they have the resources to keep and provide the necessary evidence supporting the use of this form of match funding. This will be a key criterion for approving funding.” ta/file/430600/ESF_Eligibility_Rules_FINAL_ pdfhttps:// ta/file/430600/ESF_Eligibility_Rules_FINAL_ pdf
Call specification National Context This call is issued by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to commission ESF Funded projects that will support the Priority Axis 1 of the Operational Programme: Inclusive Labour Markets and Investment Priority: 1.1 Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people; and Investment Priority: 1.2 Sustainable integration into the labour market of young people (ESF) and Investment Priority: 1.3 Sustainable integration into the labour market of young people (YEI) as set out in the Operational Programme.
Local context Liverpool City Region has seen a significant reduction in residents claiming an out of work benefit and an increase in those in work in recent times: Liverpool City Region was one of the first parts of the country to regain its pre recession level of employment: as at February 2015, there are just under 32,000 residents claiming an out of work benefit. Of this, 8,460 have been doing so for over 12 months, and this number has not reduced significantly. In addition, there are 100,000 residents claiming sickness benefit and 33,000 claiming income support. There is extensive mainstream support for new claimants of benefits through a range of provision, but given the scale of the challenge, more support is required for residents who have been out of work long term and those who are on inactive benefits. To address these issues, this call invites proposals under the headings below. Targeted support to tackle long term worklessness This support should be bespoke, personalised and flexible, meeting the needs of adults. It would be expected that this would target support on those residents who need additional support for a range of reasons, to include those with health conditions, carers, single parents or those who have been out of work for a long time. This would promote a range of options to help adults into work, to include information, advice and guidance, volunteering, work experience and additional training, and would need to be integrated with other support packages in place.
Call Requirements All applications are competitive Total allocation for this call across three investment priorities is up to £50.8m The total allocation for this call under IP1.1 is up to £10,900,000 ESF grant. The total allocation for this call under IP1.2 is up to £600,000 ESF. The total allocation for this call is up to €26,600,000 ESF and €26,600,000 YEI for investment priority 1.3. At current exchange rates this is equivalent to £19,684,000 from ESF and £19,684,000 from YEI. Proposals can only contain activities which are eligible for ESF. Applications should be for a minimum of £100,000 ESF grant.
Output Indicators - Unemployed (including long term unemployed) participants - Long-term unemployed participants - Inactive participants not in education or training - Participants from ethnic minorities - Male Participants (below 25 years of age) who are unemployed OR inactive (not in education or training) - Female Participants (below 25 years of age) who are unemployed OR inactive (not in education or training) - Participants who are lone parents - Participants with disabilities or health problems.
Next Steps LEPs currently in process of reviewing applications from initial calls and planning future calls, esp for 2016 ESF OP will be formally agreed and publicised shortly SFA and DWP will launch their co-financed project calls in the autumn, along with second tranche of BLF calls LEPs considering various forms of Devolution, including in some areas devolution of skills and employment policy and funding
Questions/Comments/Concerns Are you aware of any local ESF bids? Have you spoken to FE/LA colleagues about ESF? Have individual NHS Trusts expressed an interest in match funding? Have LEPs given any indications about future calls and strategy?
Themes to explore in more detail How the NHS works together within a LEP area Establishing relationships with LEPs, what works and where should we start? Making links with AHSNs and the voluntary sector to seek ESIF funding What does a regional growth strategy look like for the NHS? Areas for future discussion?
Next webinars: - 29 September October 2015 [both at 12.30pm] - Registration link for next webinar will be sent round next week - Do join the NHS and Local Growth LinkedIn group /about /about Any ideas or questions: