THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Fossil Fuels Renewable Sources Nuclear Energy Conserve Energy Plant Parts Capture the Chapter.


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Presentation transcript:


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Fossil Fuels Renewable Sources Nuclear Energy Conserve Energy Plant Parts Capture the Chapter

This is a substance that provides a form of energy as a result of a chemical change. A 100

What is a fuel? A 100

This is a factory in which crude oil is separated into fuels and other products. A 200

What is a refinery? A 200

This is the process of burning a fuel to release energy. A 300

What is combustion? A 300

This is the fossil fuel that accounts for approximately 23% of the energy used in the United States. A 400

What is coal? A 400

This is a compound that is made from oil. A 500

What is a petrochemical? A 500

This is the name for electricity produced by flowing water. B 100

What is hydroelectric power? B 100

This is the name for energy given off by the sun in the form of heat and light. B 200

What is solar energy? B 200

Wood, plant wastes, manure, and other fuels made from living things are examples of this type of fuel. B 300

What are biomass fuels? B 300

This is a mixture of alcohol and gasoline used as fuel. B 400

What is gasohol? B 400

This is the name for the energy from the intense heat of the Earth’s interior. B 500

What is geothermal energy? B 500

This is the name for the splitting of an atom’s nucleus into two smaller nuclei. C 100

What is nuclear fission? C 100

In a nuclear reactor, fission reactions are controlled by inserting these. C 200

What are control rods? C 200

This is the central core of an atom that contains the protons and neutrons. C 300

What is the nucleus? C 300


This is the section of the nuclear reactor where nuclear fission occurs. C 400

What is the reactor vessel? C 400

This is the name for rods of uranium-235 which produce fission reactions. C 500

What are fuel rods? C 500

This is a layer of material that blocks the transfer of heat between the air inside and the air outside a building. D 100

What is insulation? D 100

Walking to the library instead of driving a car is an example of this. D 200

What is energy conservation? D 200

This type of light bulb is more efficient and uses less energy than an incandescent light bulb. D 300

What is a fluorescent light bulb? D 300

This is how biomass fuels are better than fossil fuels. D 400

What is they are renewable? D 400

This is the material used in insulation for most homes. D 500

What is fiberglass? D 500

This is the type of power plant shown above. E 100

What is a nuclear power plant? E 100

This is the letter of the reactor vessel. E 200

What is letter ‘C’? E 200

This is the part labeled ‘F’. E 300

What is the generator? E 300

This is the purpose of part B and why it is important to have this part. E 400

What is the control rod which keeps the reactor from going into a meltdown? E 400

This is the purpose of part D. E 500

What is to transfer heat from the fission area and create steam to turn the blades of the turbine? E 500

Nuclear fission is considered a nonrenewable source of energy. This is what nuclear fusion is considered. F 100

What is renewable? F 100

This is a factory where crude oil is separated into fuels and other products by heating. F 200

What is a refinery? F 200

This is the process of burning a fuel to release energy. F 300

What is combustion? F 300

This is an energy-rich substance that formed over a long period of time from the remains of once-living organisms. F 400

What is a fossil fuel? F 400

This is a description of how a hydroelectric power plant produces electricity. F 500

What is a dam across a river blocks the flow of water and creates an artificial lake called a reservoir. Water flows through tunnels at the bottom of the dam. As the water moves through the tunnels, it turns turbines. The turbine’s shaft is connected to magnets surrounded by coils of copper wire. As the shaft rotates, the magnets turn inside the wire coils, producing an electric current? F 500

The Final Jeopardy Category is: Fossil Fuels Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

Give three reasons why it is important for the United States to become less dependent on fossil fuels. Click on screen to continue

What are it is nonrenewable, causes pollution, is limited, is expensive, is not a natural resource of the U.S., etc? Click on screen to continue

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