Digging Deeper: Online Collaborative Inquiry Mary Moynagh & Jared Cavagnuolo
Digging Deeper Sessions Online Reading Comprehension Using creditable and accurate print and digital sources to support analysis, reflection, and research. Online Content Construction Using technology as a means to demonstrate learning. Online Collaborative Inquiry Using technology to collaborate with others.
A word about us … Jared Cavagnuolo Mary Moynagh Wilson Middle School, Natick 8th Grade Learning Center Teacher jcavagnuolo@natickps.org Mary Moynagh Ashland Middle School 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher mmoynagh@ashland.k12.ma.us
Why “New Literacy?” What do we have to consider as we rethink our definition of “literacy?” Information, Media and Technology Skills required of today's students include information literacy, media literacy, communications and technology literacy.
What has changed? Economy: agrarian to industrial to technological Jobs and needs of employers have gotten more complex Blue-collar positions now done electronically or have been eliminated More complex, technologically advanced white collar positions More advanced thinking skills required Over the past century our economy has evolved from agrarian to industrial to technological. As a result, jobs have gotten more complex, as have the needs of employers. Many of the basic skills positions that once sufficed for blue-collar workers can be done electronically or have been eliminated. Instead, today’s economy supports more white collar positions that are complex, technologically advanced and require more advanced thinking skills than even a decade ago.
What will the students be asked to do? Think critically and creatively Work collaboratively Take risks constructively Understand connection to the world Use technology to research and communicate with others Work in teams Assume leadership responsibilities 21st century students will learn to think both critically and creatively, be skilled at working collaboratively, and understand how to take risks constructively. They will learn and understand their connection to the world around them, use technology to do research and communicate with others, be comfortable working in teams and develop the strength and skill to assume leadership responsibilities. School Reform in the New Millennium: Preparing All Children for 21st Century Success. Massachusetts DESE. November 2008.
Workplace of the Future “We don’t care where and how you get your work done. We care that you get your work done.” Dan Pelino, IBM Health Care / Life Sciences
Workplace of the Future What will it mean to be “on the job?” Working with the group at your table, discuss you answer to the question. Report out your table’s ideas on chart paper. Explain that students will need online collaboration/online collaborative inquiry skills in workplace - rationale for College & Career Anchor Standards in new frameworks Participants answer: What does online collaborative inquiry look like in today's continually evolving and changing workplace? (table discussion and report out on chart paper - keep chart paper up for next day's group or take pictures of them?)
How do we begin this process? What do we need to do to get the kids ready for this “new world?” Develop “good” Digital Citizenship Skills Develop 21st Century Literacies Skills across the content areas
Digital Citizenship: Using Technology Appropriately What is a good digital citizen? Digital Citizenship: Using Technology Appropriately Digital Etiquette and Digital Rights and Responsibilities
Points to consider … 5. Digital Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure. 7. Digital Rights & Responsibilities: those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world. Technology users often see this area as one of the most pressing problems when dealing with Digital Citizenship. We recognize inappropriate behavior when we see it, but before people use technology they do not learn digital etiquette (i.e., appropriate conduct). Many people feel uncomfortable talking to others about their digital etiquette. Often rules and regulations are created or the technology is simply banned to stop inappropriate use. It is not enough to create rules and policy, we must teach everyone to become responsible digital citizens in this new society. Just as in the American Constitution where there is a Bill of Rights, there is a basic set of rights extended to every digital citizen. Digital citizens have the right to privacy, free speech, etc. Basic digital rights must be addressed, discussed, and understood in the digital world. With these rights also come responsibilities as well. Users must help define how the technology is to be used in an appropriate manner. In a digital society these two areas must work together for everyone to be productive.
Digital Identity
ISSUES TO CONSIDER REGARDING WEB IDENTITY “With great power, comes great responsibility.” -- Peter Parker's (aka Spiderman's) Uncle The main issue is not participatory media, but how we use these social networking tools! With great tools, comes great responsibility and a need to think critically and constructively about how we use them. They can serve us well in terms of developing our personal and professional online image.
Could this happen to you???
What is your digital footprint? What is “out there” about you? Search for your digital footprint … Did you learn anything about yourself? Positive Digital Footprints How can you begin to build your footprint?
Interesting articles about the impact of digital footprints Social-networking sites viewed by admissions officers Twitter gets you fired in 140 characters or less How to Lose Your Job on Your Own Time
Back to the classroom ….
A New Generation of Learners
21st Century Students They need the 3 “Rs”: Reading Writing ‘rithmatics But they also need the 5 “Cs”: Creative Problem Solving Skills Collaboration skills Communication skills Content Critical Thinking
How the “new” literacy addresses the 5Cs Integrates technology into our practice of teaching and learning Accesses curriculum resources and information using technology Provides additional ways for students to demonstrate their learning using technology
Back to Online Collaborative Inquiry …
What is collaboration? What does it look like? Use the collaborative tool Wallwisher to post your response. Please limit your response to 160 characters. Click on the link for your day's session below. Monday: http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/mnlioci Tuesday: http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/mnlioci2 Thursday: http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/mnlioci3 Refresh the page to see others’ posts. Discuss posts. Teacher leaders create Wordle from Wallwisher posts. Show once discussion is over (ideally).
What is Online Collaborative Inquiry? Work with your tablemates to create a definition using online resources (dictionaries, Google search, etc.) Click on the link for your day's session below to post your group's definition to our Wiki discussion page. Monday Tuesday Thursday Review groups' definitions/verbally come up with final definition and we post it to wiki
Classroom of the Future (i.e., September 2011) Which Anchor Standards can be addressed by using the tools described in the video? How?
GOOMOODLEIKIOG If you take a little bit of GOOgle for research… maybe add a MOODLE platform for online content delivery… use WIKIpedia for information or create a WIKIspace for collaboration… and add a little “OG” for a classroom blOG… you too can have a classroom of the future.
The Way of the Wiki: Building Online Creativity and Cooperation These tools are the ultimate enablers of collaboration -- in and out of class. by Grace Rubenstein
More points to ponder … 3. Digital Communication: electronic exchange of information. One of the significant changes within the digital revolution is a person’s ability to communicate with other people. In the 19th century, forms of communication were limited. In the 21st century, communication options have exploded to offer a wide variety of choices (e.g., e-mail, cellular phones, instant messaging). The expanding digital communication options have changed everything because people are able to keep in constant communication with anyone else. Now everyone has the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with anyone from anywhere and anytime. Unfortunately, many users have not been taught how to make appropriate decisions when faced with so many different digital communication options.
4. Digital Literacy: process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology. While schools have made great progress in the area of technology infusion, much remains to be done. A renewed focus must be made on what technologies must be taught as well as how it should be used. New technologies are finding their way into the work place that are not being used in schools (e.g., video-conferencing, online sharing spaces such as wikis). In addition, workers in many different occupations need immediate information (just-in-time information). This process requires sophisticated searching and processing skills (i.e., information literacy). Learners must be taught how to learn in a digital society. In other words, learners must be taught to learn anything, anytime, anywhere. Business, military, and medicine are excellent examples of how technology is being used differently in the 21st century. As new technologies emerge, learners need to learn how to use that technology quickly and appropriately. Digital Citizenship involves educating people in a new way— these individuals need a high degree of information literacy skills.
Discussion Activity on the Wiki Review the Criteria for Successful Online Collaborative Inquiry to see the guidelines for participation in this discussion.
Criteria for Successful Online Collaborative Inquiry All work is up to date and completed on time If you need help, first ask a classmate, then ask a teacher Technical difficulties? Ask a teacher right away
Criteria for Successful Online Collaborative Inquiry Polite and school-appropriate language Disagree with the idea, not with the person; Use “I” statements “I disagree with your comment that...” Pair critical and positive feedback “I like your description of ____, but I disagree when you say ____.”
Criteria for Successful Online Collaborative Inquiry Make sure all your posts are: Complete: answer all parts in detail Concise: focused and relevant ideas Clear: writing style, grammar, spelling, etc.
Discussion Activity on the Wiki Using the information from the Goomoodleikiog video and the Rubenstein article, you will respond to the Classroom of the Future discussion prompt on our Wiki discussion page. Your response should be in paragraph form and follow the criteria outlined above.
Discussion Activity on the Wiki: respond to the following prompt. Based on the video and the article, what are some ways you might use tools like Google, Moodle, Wikis, and blogs in your classroom? What are some of the advantages these tools could have for instruction? What challenges do you foresee in using them?
Discussion Activity on the Wiki Click the link for your day's session below. Monday Tuesday Thursday
Discussion Activity on the Wiki Respond to two of your fellow participants' posts. Your responses should be in paragraph form and follow the criteria outlined above. Debrief as whole group
Online Collaborative Inquiry and the New MA Curriculum Framework for ELA & Literacy Your table group will be assigned a strand of the College & Career Readiness Anchor Standards from the new framework. Read over your group's standards with your tablemates.
Online Collaborative Inquiry and the New MA Curriculum Framework for ELA & Literacy Drawing on your own teaching experience and using what you have learned from the resources and activities in this session, work together to answer the following question: How can teachers use tools and resources for online collaborative inquiry to address specific anchor standards?
Online Collaborative Inquiry and the New MA Curriculum Framework for ELA & Literacy Click on the link for your day's session below to post your group's answer to a Google doc. Monday Tuesday Thursday