DS-08 Monitoring and Forecasting the Impacts of/on Humans for each SBA Definition (Scope or Aim or Vision) Facilitate/encourage significant increase the use of Earth observations for improved environmental, economic and societal impact assessments of each SBA Facilitate/encourage significant increase the use of Earth observations for monitoring impacts of each SBA. Explore tools and services for monitoring and impact assessment of each SB A
Deliverables 1.A set of data and tools for impact assessment service for energy policy planning (e.g. develop a modelling platform that will enable planners and governments to forecast and monitor the environmental impact of changes in the energy mix; integrate Earth observation data with state-of- the-art modelling tools to calculate socio-economic impacts and environmental costs) Priority Actions: –… Leads (Members and/or Organizations, tentative): TNO, DLR, MINES ParisTech, others?
Deliverables 2. Impact monitoring system for geo-resource exploration and exploitation (e.g. develop new tools for impact monitoring of mining operations using Earth observations; integrate information from in situ, airborne and satellite observation through data assimilation and models to provide impact diagnostics) Priority Actions: –Evaluate illegal mining operations Leads (Members and/or Organizations, tentative): UK, BRGM? And so on
Deliverables 3. A range of Earth Observation data sets, in situ as well as remotely sensed, which may be used to map and monitor CO2 storage sites. A set of tools to process and analyze the data, either separately or in combination, including geophysical models Priority Actions: –Gap analysis –Engage stakeholders –Prepare a detailed work plan for Leads (Members and/or Organizations, tentative): Norwegian Space Centre, British Geological Service, TNO, SciSys ?
Issues and Gaps Organizing the project Funding International communication Embed international bodies Completeness of the available data Engaging stakeholders Historical data Availability of privately owned data