http//: EBONE - European Biodiversity Observation Network GEO Task BI-07-01: Developing a Global Biodiversity Observation Network Rob Jongman, Alterra Wageningen UR,
http//: EBONE - European Biodiversity Observation Network The GEO-Biodiversity task: BI-07-01: Developing a Global Biodiversity Observation Network: Coordinate/improve biodiversity (animals, plants, genes) observation, assessment and conservation through satellite, aerial and in-situ data... Carried out by Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON): led by EC (EBONE), USA (NASA) and DIVERSITAS GEO BON consists of 8 WGs: Genetic/Phylogenetic Diversity, Terrestrial Species monitoring; Terrestrial Ecosystem Change; Freshwater Ecosystem Change; Marine Ecosystem Change; Ecosystem Services; Integration through Modelling and Data Integration
http//: EBONE - European Biodiversity Observation Network Priorities for Development of global biodiversity observation that integrates in situ and RS information; Expand general indicators across the globe (e.g. Common Bird Indicator); Expand the LTER, BIOTA, NEON networks into a sustainable global network; Global analysis of ecosystem carbon services; Online database for marine observation data Develop methods and database for genetic diversity observation.
http//: EBONE - European Biodiversity Observation Network Organisational aspects Development of a virtual biodiversity WMO (through IPBES?): standards, harmonisation and coordination; Establishment of systems for rapid exchange of biodiversity and related information; Coordination and exchange of research and data and training; Coordination and organisation of capacity building.