MS in Pharmacology Program (emphasizing preclinical safety pharmacology) Department of Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati College of Medicine John E. Maggio, PhD, DSP 11 July 2015 MS program website:
UC Pharmacology’s PhD program trains about 4-5 students/year. This number has been flat for 15 years. Before 2012, UC Pharmacology had never offered an MS degree program. [MS degrees were awarded rarely to students who failed to complete PhD work.] The Pharmacology PhD program sends more graduates to academia/PDs than to other careers. University and College support for PhD student stipends and tuition declined after about University and College support for COM basic science departments declined after about Background
MSSP* Degree Program, launched 2012 *MSSP = Master of Science in Molecular, Cellular and Biochemical Pharmacology with Emphasis on Preclinical Safety Pharmacology A one-year, non-thesis, on-site, terminal MS degree program Goals: Provide graduates with contemporary skills and knowledge in pharmacology and preclinical drug discovery & development Prepare graduates for careers in pharma and contract research organizations Prepare graduates for further education in PhD or MD programs Generate income for Pharmacology department (and College and University)
Required Courses (25 cr-hr): Pharmacological Principles & Receptors*, Preclinical GLP, Drug Discovery & Development, Principles of Safety Pharmacology, Laboratory Rotation*, Seminar*, Preclinical Toxicology, Advanced Safety Pharmacology, Systems Pharmacology*, Ethics in Research*, Experimental Methods in Safety Pharmacology. *Also required for PhD students Curriculum Requires ≥30 cr-hrs (graduate semester credit hours) Elective Courses (≥5 cr-hr) chosen from: Molecular & Cellular Biology, Molecular Pharmacology, Human Physiology, Biochemistry & Cell Signalling, Experimental Design, Statistics, Principles of Clinical Pharmacology, etc.
Demographics of Entering Students (N=29*) Gender: 72% female, 28% male Age: 22 yo – 34 yo National Origin: 62% US, 38% International Undergraduate Institutions: 76% US, 24% International US Students from: University of Cincinnati (17%), Other Ohio (14%), Midwest US (55%), Other US (21%) Previous Degrees in: Chemistry (24%), Biochemistry (21%), Pharmacy (9%), Pharmacology (6%), Other a (18%). GRE Composite Score: 306 ± 9 (58 th %ile) GPA: 3.47 ± 0.35 * First three classes, combined a Other: Biotechnology, Health & Humanities, Psychology, Law, Music
Demographics of MS Graduates (N=19*) Graduation Rate: 100% Further Education: 40% Of these: 50% MD, 40% PhD, 10% MS Four MSSP grads went on to our PhD program Academic Sector Employment: 15% Private Sector Employment: 35% Other/Unknown: 10% Pharma/CROs: 0% * First two classes, combined
Financials MSSP Program Tuition ( ): $24640 (OH Residents) $25480 (Others) Individual Courses:$1232/cr-hr Class Size:12-15 Gross Tuition Income:$300K/yr Income Split*:50% University 5% College of Medicine 45% Pharmacology Department * Income split at program launch was 60% to department. [“Downward Negotiation”]
MSSP Program – Future Plans Significant expansion of onsite program will exceed classroom capacity. Launch an online Certificate in Safety Pharmacology program (12 cr-hr) using existing courses. Create new courses (i.e., modify existing courses) for online presentation. [University must settle on a platform and approve online courses.] Launch a PSM program (longer term, requires several new courses).
Acknowledgements Faculty of the UCCOM Department of Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics Dean’s Office, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Council Dr. M. Abdul Matlib (Founder and Program Director, Emeritus) Nancy Thyberg, Program Manager
Acknowledgements External Advisory Committee: Phil Atterson (WIL Research) Bob Hamlin (OSU and QTest) Craig Hassler (Battelle) Mary Jeanne Kallman (Covance) Derek Leishman (Lilly) Scott Mittelstadt (AbbVie).
MSSP Class of 2015