Draft Report on STC-7 Geneva 22/23 May Udo Gärtner, co-chair STC
Task Progress Review Following the clustering of tasks, this time the focus was on EC, BI and AG tasks (living items) BI reported considerable progress in building a global Biodiversity Observing Network (GEO-BON), where GEO was instrumental in starting the process EC shows overlapping with BI Transfer of IGOS-P themes will be checked on the next meeting Special presentations (mainly European programmes) covered soil information (E-SOTER), deep ocean data (EURO-SITE), monetary / cost-benefit of GEO (GEO-BENE)
New Task Proposals 09/11 As of May 20 there are 20 proposals to add sub items to existing tasks or introduce new tasks Due to the late availability of the doc STC commented ad hoc on the proposals, where most of them could easily be merged with already existing tasks or as activity within an umbrella task Details to be finalised per within 2 weeks together with consolidated STC proposals In light of the ExCOM guideline to cut the number of tasks, and given the already great number of new proposed tasks, STC will screen its tasks thoroughly and bring down the number of tasks.
General Issues Following the report on ExCOM12, STC requests to be involved in - the development of performance indicators for the GEO Sec; - the further work on data sharing principles; - and as already planned in the Web Portal Process (IOC task force) STC will be represented IOC tasks force: Stuart Marsh, David Halpern STC Co-Chair U. Gärtner is C4 ex officio member of the IOC task force Data sharing principles: V.van Engelen Perf. Indicators: tbd
Future Meetings Efforts to increase attendance to STC meetings were discussed (STC needs faithful core committee members) Future meetings will consist of two parts –Classic Committee task to check progress of tasks work and report thereon –Special theme with presentation and discussion Ideas to pool STC and CBC/UIC/ADC meetings and hold meetings once a year in developing countries will be discussed in C4. Next meetings: 8/9 Sept Paris (invitation COSPAR), 12/13Dec San Francisco (tbd,before AGU), spring 09 Japan(tbd), Sept 09 Italy(tbd)