GMES Marine Service MY OCEAN 5th GEO European projects Workshop Frédéric ADRAGNA MyOcean Project Manager London – 8/9 February 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

GMES Marine Service MY OCEAN 5th GEO European projects Workshop Frédéric ADRAGNA MyOcean Project Manager London – 8/9 February 2011

GMES Marine Service MY OCEAN What does the GMES Marine Service need or would like to see included in the next GEO work programme ?

Marine Core Service

The GMES Marine Service The European added value chain In-Situ obs. Space obs. Forcings GEO

Marine Core Service n Altimetry (from space and in-situ) n Currents (in situ) n Sea Surface Temperature (from space and in situ) n Sea Temperature in depth (in situ) n Salinity (in situ and from space : SMOS) n Ocean Colour (from space) n Biogeochemistry (in situ) n Sea Ice (from space) n Wind (from space) Input Data (observation)

Marine Core Service Recommendations Essential : sustainability, complementarity, and compatibility of all EO observations systems, including in situ… GEO should support the continuity of observations, consolidate the coordination between EO missions (for complementarity) and to encourage the exchange of Data (for inter- comparison, cross-calibration, …)

Marine Core Service n Altimetry : n High resolution altimeter system with at least three sensors, in addition to the existing ones (= high accuracy). n Long term : Wide Swath altimetry n Sea Surface Temperature : n The priority is high accuracy. n More satellites n Large swath is secondary. Our priorities (observation)

Marine Core Service n Ocean Colour : n SeaWiFS like sensors are suitable for the open ocean. n MERIS like sensor are essential for coastal ocean water quality issues. n Long term : Geostationary satellite (permanent obs) n SAR : (oil spill detection and sea ice monitoring) n Continuity of existing missions n At least one and preferably two SAR missions in addition to the other non-European missions (e.g. Radarsat). Our priorities (observation)

Marine Core Service n In Situ data are essential at Global scale n Need international cooperation for n Systematic data collection n Sustainability of observation infrastructure (ARGO) n Quality control (cross calibration) n Access to data n Real or near-real time (for assimilation) n Off-line (for Validation & Calibration) In-situ data : key issues