CLIMATE INFORMATION/ EARLY WARNING SYSTEM (CI/EWS) PROJECT MANAGERS WORKSHOP Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 25 August, 2015 Dr. Bonizella Biagini CIRDA Manager Programme on Climate Information for Resilient Development in Africa (CIRDA)
Global Support Program focus Access to reliable weather and climate data for EWS & adaptation Data processing and dissemination Tech transfer and capacity building Weather products for end users Contribution to NAPs Private Sector Sustainability Provides support to 11 countries. GEF-LDCF support USD 50 Million for National Projects USD 4 Million for Multi Country Support CIRDA Overview 2
CIRDA Objectives Specific Objectives: Meet the need to generate, process and disseminate high quality and timely weather and climate data that is comprehensive, reliable, accessible and in a form that end users can understand and apply Provide effective early warnings of extreme weather event to save lives Enable vulnerable communities, farmers and policymakers to access and use climate data to make informed decisions to respond to a changing climate Bring innovative, reliable, low cost, easily maintained technologies with national coverage and cellular links to hydromet agencies Engage private sector users of weather data as partners to ensure the sustainability of improved weather observation systems General: Support national climate services in their efforts to collect, analyse and disseminate climate information for long term planning and adaptation. 3
4 CIRDA Support: 2015 Annual Workplan Outcome 1: Enhanced capacity to monitor and forecast extreme weather, hydrology and climate change Deployment of experts to all partner countries (technologies, hydromet and forecasting) Ongoing high level expert support on alternative technologies and meteorology Support for developing national procurement plans, identifying appropriate technology, developing tech maintenance plans Missions to identify international best practices (Weather Phillippines) Outcome 2: Efficient and effective use of climate/weather information for generating EWS and supporting long-term development and adaptation plans Technical support for the digitization of existing climate data Training workshops on private sector opportunities and communication & application development Market study on the marketable potential of climate/weather information and its revenue generating capacity to NHMS Development of a private sector strategy
Technical assistance to national project teams On hydrology, innovative technologies, meteorology and forecasting, among others (misions to Burkina Faso, Uganda, Ethiopia and Zambia) Dissemination of online resources for information sharing (CIRDA Newsletter: Climate Connections) Mission to streamline support on the digitization of existing information South-South Cooperation Identify best practices: Weather Phillipenes/Meteo Group Private sector engagement Market study to identify partnerships and potential for revenue streams. Study will result in various market models applicable to the region. Workshops on private sector engagement (Uganda) and application development (Zambia) Procurement support to enhance national capacities and facilitate the procurement of technical equipment Linking the projects to a broader developmental conversation Publication on Engaging the Private Sector Communication strategy to share achievements, best practices, lessons learned 5 CIRDA Ongoing Work
6 Opportunities under CIRDA Cooperation and support (regional and multi-country) – climate information should not be limited by national boundaries Identify multiple steps to be taken – from the generation of data to its utilization by the end-users Explore possibilities created by innovative technologies (soft and hard) and new means of communication (e.g. cell phones) Multi-stakeholders involvement – governments lead but they cannot do it alone The private sector has technologies, expertise, and resources to respond to climate risks – PPPs generate revenue and make climate systems more sustainable Civil society works at a community level and is key to adaptation
Goals of this workshop Facilitate a dialogue among national project managers and national implementers Identify and better understand national needs and capacity gaps Share common challenges and possibly identify common solutions among national practitioners Discuss the effectiveness of the support provided through CIRDA to national project teams Stocktaking of what has been achieved so far 7
Thank you Dr. Bonizella Biagini CIRDA Manager UNDP-GEF 8