Building the Portal
Choosing a Host Computer Select your host computer. o You will need a real IP address for some COG-based portlets o VPN also OK (?) o Know general Globus et al firewall issues. I recommend turning firewalls and SELinux off for development. Operating Systems o We test with Mac OS X and many Linux flavors o Other Unix should be fine (assuming Java works) o We have not had any requests for Windows. Software Environment o The portal download comes with everything you need EXCEPT Java. You need the JDK, not the JRE. o We test with Java 1.5. Don’t use Java 1.4. The more memory, the better.
Downloading and Building the Portal Download the portal from o Unpack in $HOME. You should also download the Maven repository. o This is optional but recommended Edit ogce-portal- home/pom.xml Run the command “mvn clean install”. o Use “mvn –o clean install” to build offline. Build will typically take 5 minutes (new Mac) to 30+ minutes (old Linux PC). You can also check out the latest code from SVN. Check the “Nightly Build” dashboard to verify.
Practical Considerations Increase your JVM Memory o export JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xms512m -Xmx1024m - XX:MaxPermSize=256m” o Xmx2048m, 4096m, etc if you can. Monitor catalina.out for problems o tail –f catalina.out Make sure that Tomcat shuts down o Kill if necessary NFS can really slow down building o Use /usr/local/ if you have problems
Editing pom.xml You only need to edit the top level ogce-portal- only/pom.xml. You only need to change for local settings. You MUST update the IP address. You may want to add or remove GRAM and GridFTP hosts. Update project.home if you are building someplace besides $HOME …. …. ${env.HOME}/ogce-portal-only
Rebuilding the Portal Running “mvn clean install” will completely wipe out the existing installation. o You may not want to do this. If you want to rebuild individual components, just run the following command from the ogce- portal-only directory. o mvn clean install –f portlets/myportlet/pom.xml You can do this for all in ogce-portal- deploy/pom.xml
OGCE Portal Project Layout We follow standard Maven 2 conventions for project layouts for each component. o moduleName/src/main/webapp o moduleName/src/main/java Modules are listed on next slide o See ogce-portal-only/pom.xml. o Each module is a separate directory and has its own pom.xml.
ModuleDescription Portal_deployThis is where your portlets are deployed into Tomcat. ContainersSpecific build instructions for containers. Currently we only have GridSphere here. Lnf_portalControls look and feel for the container. Global-configDeploys COG jars into /shared/lib and applies Tomcat custom configs. CertificatesCA certs. Includes download of all TG certs. PortletsEach portlet has its own module.