Udo Gärtner, Co chair S&TCom 28.Feb/1.Mar 2007 Report on the Sience &Technology Committee.


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Presentation transcript:

Udo Gärtner, Co chair S&TCom 28.Feb/1.Mar 2007 Report on the Sience &Technology Committee

Udo Gärtner, Co chair S&TCom 28.Feb/1.Mar 2007 S&Tcom activities Meetings and outcomes 19/20 April 2006 Paris (UNESCO): plan to draft a strategy establisching drafting group checking WP06 S&T tasks 22 Sept 2006 Brussels (EC) : work on draft strategy 30 Nov Bonn (GEOIII) : discussion of first draft strategy first review of WP07/09 S&T tasks, EU joins Co chairs 2 Feb Paris (ICSU) : work on strategy, review of WP07/09 S&T tasks

Udo Gärtner, Co chair S&TCom 28.Feb/1.Mar 2007 Draft outline of the S&Tcom strategy Title The role of Science and Technology in GEOSS Targets stakeholders of the systems of GEOSS science and technology community users GEO Members Key questions what can science & technology do for GEOSS what can GEOSS do for science & technology

Udo Gärtner, Co chair S&TCom 28.Feb/1.Mar 2007 Preparing Work Plan 2007/09 22 tasks are allocated to the S&Tcom Some 10 are carried forward from 2006 or merged with others Some tasks are not well defined (theme, outcome) Progress made in 2006 is not well documented Support given by GeoSec needs upgrading Info about Lead and POC must be added to task sheets How potential contributions/tasks are filtered ? (discussion in ExCo)

Udo Gärtner, Co chair S&TCom 28.Feb/1.Mar 2007 Outlook from S&Tcoms perspective Preparation of GEOIII/Ministerial Summit urgent (deliverables, early achievements, value added) Co-ordination of committees work needs to be organised S&Tcom feels responsible for S&T aspects of all tasks

Udo Gärtner, Co chair S&TCom 28.Feb/1.Mar 2007 Thank you for your attention