1 What Does It Mean to Be a Leader?
Chapter Objectives Understand the full meaning of leadership and see the leadership potential in yourself and others. Recognize and facilitate the six fundamental transformations in today’s organizations and leaders. Identify the primary reasons for leadership derailment and the new paradigm skills that can help you avoid it. Recognize the traditional functions of management and the fundamental differences between leadership and management.
Chapter Objectives (contd.) Appreciate the crucial importance of providing direction, alignment, relationships, personal qualities, and outcomes. Realize how historical leadership approaches apply to the practice of leadership today.
Definition of Leadership Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes.
Ex. 1.1 What Leadership Involves InfluenceIntention Followers Shared purpose Change Personal responsibility and integrity Leader
Ex. 1.2 The New Reality for Leadership OLD Paradigm Stability Control Competition Uniformity Self-centered Hero NEW Paradigm Change/crisis mgt. Empowerment Collaboration Diversity Higher purpose Humble What is a “paradigm?” – a shared mindset that represents a fundamental way of thinking about, perceiving, and understanding The world; a world-view; weltanschauung
The New Reality for Leadership (CONTD) Today’s leaders accept inevitability of change/crisis, and see them as potential source of energy/renewal-when you do not change, you die Share power-find ways to increase a firm’s brain power by getting involvement/commitment; info rather than assets source of power Realize that self-directed teams/horizontal collaboration breakdown departmental boundaries- concept of knowledge management; culture of sharing info
The New Reality for Leadership (CONTD) Today’s leaders Realize that there is a trend towards collaborations between organizations; a network of independent companies that share financial risks/leadership talents/technologies/markets Uniform thinking can be disastrous in today’s diverse/global world Go away from self-centeredness; leaders emphasize something larger than self-interest Are aware of shift from hero to hard-working, behind the scenes leader who builds others
Management and Vision Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling organizational resources. Vision is a picture of an ambitious, desirable future for the organization or team
Managers & Leaders Managers detail plans/schedules, allocating resources for achieving specific goals Organize, staff and develop policies/procedures Monitor implementation Relationships – between machines, reports Power from organizational position Leaders Call for creating a compelling of the future, and developing far-sighted strategies to producing the changes needed to achieve vision Compelling – vision has to be shared and people can relate to Communicate vision and develop a shared culture/core values that lead to desired future state Relationships – motivating and inspiring people; influencing rather than coercion Personal power
Leaders Subtle personal qualities: enthusiasm, integrity, courage and humility Genuine passion for the work, and concern for people Emotionally connected to others Open mind and welcome new ideas Listen and discern what people need Need to be non-conformists; willing to step outside boundary and comfort-zone
Ex. 1.3 Comparing Management and Leadership Focusing on people – inspiring and motivating followers Based on personal power Acting as coach, facilitator, servant Focusing on objects – producing/selling goods and services Based on position power Acting as boss Relationships Creating shared culture and values Helping others grow Reducing boundaries Organizing and staffing Directing and controlling Creating boundaries Alignment Creating vision and strategy Keeping eye on horizon Planning and budgeting Keeping eye on bottom line Direction LeadershipManagement
Ex. 1.3 (contd.) Creates change and a culture of integrity Maintains stability; creates culture of efficiency Outcomes Emotional connections (Heart) Open mind (Mindfulness) Listening (Communication) Nonconformity (Courage) Insight into self (Character) Emotional distance Expert mind Talking Conformity Insight into organization Personal Qualities LeadershipManagement
Position power A written, spoken, or implied contract wherein people accept either a superior or subordinate role and see the use of coercive as well as noncoercive behavior as an acceptable way of achieving desirable results. Leaders operate from personal power
Theories of Leadership Great Man Theories Born with certain traits/natural abilities of power & influence Trait Theories Started in the 1920s Characteristics such as intelligence, height, energy, etc Behavior Theories Early 1930s What a leader does; how he behaves towards followers, i.e., autocratic/democratic, and whether this is effective/ineffective Contingency Theories Based on situation & context Influence Theories Influence processes between leaders and followers, i.e., charismatic Relational Theories How leaders/followers interact, i.e., transformational leadership Emerging Leadership Theories – learning organizations/change
Ex. 1.4 Top Seven Reasons for Executive Derailment Acting with an insensitive, abrasive, intimidating, bullying style Being cold, aloof, arrogant Betraying personal trust Being overly ambitious, self-centered, thinking of next job, playing politics Having specific performance problems with the business Overmanaging, being unable to delegate or build a team Being unable to select good subordinates
Leadership Most of us aware of famous leaders, but leadership usually starts small May begin with personal frustrations about events that prompt change initiation
Framework for the Module Introduction: : What Does It Mean to be a Leader? Part 2: Research Perspectives on Leadership - Traits, Behaviors, and Relationships - :Contingency Approaches Part 3: The Personal Side of Leadership - The Leader as an Individual - Leadership Mind and Heart Part 4: The Leader as a Relationship Builder - Motivation and Empowerment - : Leadership Communication - Leading Teams - Developing Leadership Diversity - Leadership Power and Influence Part 5: The Leader as Social Architect - Designing and Leading a Learning Organization - Leading Change