Speech Disorders II Audiometry Coming Later Paperette Due TODAY
‘Hearing’ Speech with Dyslexia Traditional dyslexiaTraditional dyslexia –Normal intelligence & sensory ability –Difficulty Reading, Writing & Spelling Visual dysfunctionVisual dysfunction New View on Dyslexia (Wallace & Flowers, under review)New View on Dyslexia (Wallace & Flowers, under review) –Multisensory matching difficulties –Exp: Which of two flashes occurred first With/without coincident ‘beep’With/without coincident ‘beep’ Change latency of visual flash relative to beep 50 – 400 msChange latency of visual flash relative to beep 50 – 400 ms –Result: Dyslexics performance is enhanced over greater latencies (up to 350 ms) Disturbed multisensory matchingDisturbed multisensory matching
It’s not a tumor… SymptomsSymptoms –Buzzing & ringing –Poor balance –Fullness –Poor speech discrimination PopulationPopulation –Women –Middle Aged –Multiple generations of tumors DiagnosisDiagnosis –Acoustic Neuroma (neurofibromatosis 2) Benign tumors grow along the auditory nervesBenign tumors grow along the auditory nerves –Prohibits signals from cochlea to brain
Capping Hearing SymptomsSymptoms –Normal tympanic response –Normal thresholds –Poor Speech reception threshold –Fluctuating hearing loss PopulationPopulation –Jaundiced babies –Premature births DiagnosisDiagnosis –Auditory Neuropathy Auditory nerve problemsAuditory nerve problems –No cochlear or conductive difficulty Hearing loss may be progressiveHearing loss may be progressive –May self-resolve (by age 2) –May benefit from cochlear implant
Helen Keller “Deafness cuts one off from people, whereas blindness cuts one off from things”
Profile of a Partially Deaf Person Early hearing lossEarly hearing loss –Spoken language, reading –Early diagnosis to facilitate development Mixed diagnoses commonMixed diagnoses common –Intelligence, attention deficit or hearing loss Psychosocial ramifications – communicative disorderPsychosocial ramifications – communicative disorder –Anger & introversion Lack of empathyLack of empathy Inadequate impulse controlInadequate impulse control –Depression Self-esteemSelf-esteem –Drug abuse 15% in deaf/hard of hearing vs. 7% normal population (NCID)15% in deaf/hard of hearing vs. 7% normal population (NCID)
Social Consequences Hearing loss influences in developmentHearing loss influences in development –Emotional, social health Factors severity of social consequencesFactors severity of social consequences –Amount of hearing loss Moderate to profoundModerate to profound Worse or better?Worse or better? –Age Greater difficulty at earlier stageGreater difficulty at earlier stage –Gender Female advantage?Female advantage?