Year 12 parents’ information evening 2013 Cotham Learning Community
Post 16 Leadership Team Marian Curran Director Ros OConnorAssistant Headteacher P16 Claire MorrisHead of Student Services Alina MuszynskaAcademic Mentor
Outcomes for this evening Overview of your child’s P16 education Introduce you to some of our processes Overview of how we support parent/carers
North Bristol Post 16 A2 Results 2013 National Averages A* 13% A* 7.6% A* - A 34%A*-A 26.3% A*-B 62.5%A* - B 52.9% A* - E 99.5%A* - E 98.6%
A levels AS – Yr 12 A2 – Yr 13 Pre U Mix of exams and coursework BTEC Level 3 Equivalent to 1 or 2 A levels Graded Distinction * Distinction Merit Pass Graded A-E at AS A*-E at A2 D3- P1 100% coursework BTEC level 2 Equivalent to 4 GCSEs 1 year course
Life in the centre 8.25morning registration 8.45period period break 11.05period period lunch 2.05period 5 (3.05twilight lessons) Assembly every Friday
Enrichment & Enhancement Enrichment Every Wednesday period 5 PE/Games Community Service – Envision Claremont school Post 16 buddies Subject mentors Paired reading Access to Bristol Lecture programme Debating group Student led groups encouraged Much more…. Enhancement General studies AS Critical thinking AS Extended project AS (from T 6)
Attendance All time tabled sessions + assembly and tutor time is compulsory Expectation is 95% attendance Reporting illness – daily (by parent/carer) Absence in advance (by student) E.g’s of unauthorised absence –Driving lesson –Part time work –Holidays –Routine medical appointments –Leisure activities e.g. Glastonbury Texting parents Absence line
Each student assigned 1 hour of SBS per fortnight for each subject they study During SBS students have to remain in school They can use this time to: Complete home work Review notes Read ahead Organise notes Discuss work with class mates Revise for tests School Based Study (SBS)
Study periods Any blank period on a time table students should still use for study They are not obliged to stay in school for these sessions… But we advise that they do!
Academic Mentor on hand to help students with work. - Organisation and time management - Revision tips - Research skills - Proof reading strategies - Essay structuring Access to computers and desk space. Quiet working space in 2F1. Compulsory for some Drop in offer Teacher and/or self referral Supervised study sessions when you are not timetabled for lessons.
3 progress reports a year (Nov/Jan/Mar) ‘Minimum Grade’ Academic reviews with tutors Subject changes Regular feedback from teachers Collapsed timetable days 1:1 study support IAG for next steps Outside agencies & wellbeing bursary Supporting students Tutor/senior tutor Subject teachers Friends Parents P16 team (parent surgery)
What to expect over the next two years…
Punctuality Attendance Pressure Transition vrs expectation Time management Self responsibility Managing changing relationships
Buy a ring binder and ask your teacher to go through what sections it can be divided up into Buy a really loud alarm clock! Talk about what you have learned with your classmates after lessons – it helps it all sink in Don’t be put off by the first two weeks – it does get easier! Use your study periods to keep on top of your work – don’t waste it Talk to your teachers for help – they’re really helpful! Don’t be scared to admit if you don’t understand something Get organised from day 1 and don’t forget about deadlines! The Voice of hindsight yr 13 students
How to contact us… Parent surgery – Monday 3.00pm to 5.30pm appointment only please