AND HAVE fun!!!
Aim: To score the most goals Number of Players: 7 including a Goal keeper Scoring: A goal is scored when the ball enters the goal Commencing the game: The game is started with a throw off- much like in netball, possession is given to alternative teams and the defending team is positioned behind the line. The whistle is blown and the attacker will throw to their player. When the ball goes out: A throw in is given to the opposing team, taken where the ball crosses the line to go out.
Players may throw, catch, stop, push or hit the ball using their hands. A player may hold the ball for a maximum of 3 seconds only. NOTE: A player can not catch the ball and just stand there, they must do one of the following to keep the progression of the game. A player MUST take a maximum of 3 steps before either bouncing, passing to another player or shooting for a goal. There is no limit to the amount of bounces a player is allowed. A defending player may use their arms or hands to try to gain possession of the ball. NOTE: A player can not pull or hit the ball with one or two hands, when an attacking player has possession. Only the Goal keeper can be in the shooting circle (semi-circle around goals) Goal keepers may use any part of their body to prevent a goal. If an attacking player enters the shooting circle, the goal keeper gets a free throw to players on their team.
Aim: To score the most goals Number of Players: 6 (MAXIMUM) including a Goal keeper Scoring: A goal is scored when the ball hits the screen Commencing the game: The game is started with a kick off- much like in netball. The ball must be passed, kicked forward or an attempted shot for a goal once the whistle is blown.
Indoor soccer is played using rebound rules. A high ball is given when the ball hits the windows and above. This means that the opposing team will receive a free kick from where the ball was originally kicked. Penalties (free kicks): awarded for handball, dangerous or rough play. Penalty is taken from where the incident occurred. Only the Goal keeper is allowed in the shooting circle. If an attacking player enters, it’s a free kick to the goalie. (Ensure to enforce the rule for safety purposes)
Aim: To score the most home runs Number of Players: 10 fielders including bases, outfielders, catcher etc Scoring: A player scores a home run when he safely touches first, second, third and home plate. 1 run is awarded when the player reaches home. A player gets out if the ball is caught on the full or they are tagged at either second, third or home once a fielder has caught the ball. Once a team has 3 players out, its side away. (changeover) 1st base: If a player catches the ball and their foot is on the base, the batter is out. NOTE: They do not need to be tagged at first base.
The players on the batting team MUST wear a helmet. They must have their helmet on for the entire time they are on the field. The helmet can be removed once they have made it home or have been caught out and it is the next batters turn. It is IMPERATIVE that this rule be adhered to. The catcher MUST wear a chest plate. Fielders MUST wear a mitt at all times. The batter is automatically out if they throw the bat after hitting the ball. Whilst the batter is batting, the catcher must stand at least 3m away in case the bat is thrown. The batting team must be situated well away from the tee.
Batsmen The job of the batsmen is to score runs during the game. Two of the batsmen are positioned at opposite ends of the pitch. Bowlers bowl the ball toward one side of the pitch. The batsmen attempts to hit the ball and advance to the other side. If successful, a run is scored. Bowlers A typical cricket team consists of four to five bowlers. A bowler is the player assigned to bowl the ball and attempt to get the batsmen out. Six balls is the legal limit for the pitch. Once six balls have been bowled, a change of bowler must occur.
Fielders Every player on a team is considered a fielder. With the exception of the wicket keeper, a fielder can be located anywhere in the field. Scoring Runs can be scored in a variety of ways. Runs is scored when the batsman hits the ball and is able to run across once before the ball can be returned to the wickets. Boundaries 4 runs is awarded if the ball reaches the boundary 6 runs is awarded when it clears the boundary on the full Outs There are several ways a bowling team can get the batting team out. The most common method of getting an out is catching the ball before it hits the ground. A batter can also be bowled out. This happens when the bails are knocked from the bowl. The bails are three pieces of wood on either side of the wicket, the area the batter hits from. The game reaches conclusion when 10 batters are out or the time limit expires.
Aim: To score the most tries Number of Players: 7 each side however all players can be on the field Scoring: A point is awarded when a player scores a try Rules: The ball can only be passed backwards. It the ball is thrown forwards, it is a changeover. Dummy half can not be touched otherwise it is a changeover The ball cant touch the ground during play. If the ball is fumbled/dropped, it is a changeover 6 touches complete a set. There is no kicking in Touch.
Aim: To score the most points Scoring: 1 point is awarded off every serve. A point can be scored off more than 3 touches, the ball goes out, the ball doesn’t make it over the net, a player hits the ball consecutively or if any part of the body touches the net. A player can use any part of their body to get the ball over the net. EG: Headbutt, kick etc You cant spike off a serve. Volleyball is played on a rotational basis. Once the team gains possession of the ball, the team rotates so a new server can now serve. The server must serve from behind the line
Aim: To score the most points Out of Bounds If the ball or any part of a players body goes out of any of the outside lines, the other team gains possession and throws the ball in from where it crossed the line. Dribbling In order to move with the ball, you must dribble it. A dribble is the term used when you bounce the ball and walk with it without picking it up or using both hands. If you use both hands or pick it up and dribble again, it is called double dribble and the other team gets the ball. A good dribble is achieved by keeping the hand on top of the ball.
Shooting In order to score, the ball must go through the basket. There are three places a person can shoot from, for different points. If you are standing behind the three point line, which is the big arc around the basket, and make it in the basket, you earn three points. All other places in front of the arc are worth two points. The third place is from the free throw line. If you were fouled and you are shooting free throws, each free throw is worth one point. Fouls A foul is when you make contact with the person with the ball. If you are guarding someone with the ball, you are not allowed to touch or hit them. A foul can also be committed away from the ball. Shoving, hitting, tripping are all fouls also. None of these is allowed in basketball. Travelling If a player has run 2 or more steps they must either shoot or pass the ball. If the player continues to run without passing, or they begin to dribble again, it is double dribble or travelling. This would result in a throw in, where the other team now gains possession and throws the ball in from the sideline
Aim: To score the most tries Scoring: A point is awarded each time a try is scored Rules: The ball must be passed backwards A player can not fend off a tag A player can not jump when another player attempts to tag them 6 touches complete a set and the ball can be kicked on the 0, 4 th and 5 th A player can not dive to score a try