1/10 National Emergency Management Agency Republic of Korea Sheraton Pattaya, Thailand Sept. 6, 2011 Dugkeun Park, Ph.D. The Korean Initiatives for the Incheon Action Plans of the 4 th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) (Incheon, Republic of Korea, October 25~28, 2010) nd IAP Meeting
2/10 Incheon Declaration on DRR through CCA Incheon Regional Roadmap and Action Plan for DRR through CCA Platform for sharing information and technological development of DRR and CCA “Disaster Risk Reduction through Climate Change Adaptation” Raising Awareness and Building Capacity for DRR & CCA Raising Awareness and Building Capacity for DRR & CCA Developing and sharing Information, Technology, Sound practices and Lessons learned in climate and Disaster risk management Promoting integration of DRR & CCA into Development for “green growth” Conference Outcomes
3/10 Establishment of Web-based Platform for Sharing Technologies and Information on DRR and CCA Training and mutual learning enhancing capacity building of policy makers, administrators and potential stakeholders on DRR and CCA Implementation of 3 sub-regional project in the Himalayan, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific region for addressing hazard specific risk reduction measures for complementing to the ongoing initiatives. Development of Guidelines for Integrating DRR and CCA through Green Growth for Sustainable Development Development of Knowledge Products, Notes on various past initiatives on DRR for replication and adaptation Five Action-Plan Projects by NEMA
4/10 1. Web-based Platform Component Technology Transfer Information Sharing Training & Education 4 th AMCDRR Period : 2011~2015 Budget : US$ 0.5 Million (2011) / US$ 2.0 Million (2012~2015) Period : 2011~2015 Budget : US$ 0.5 Million (2011) / US$ 2.0 Million (2012~2015)
5/10 Phase I - Done, April 26~29, 2011, GETI - 74 Participants from 19 Countries - Program: International Systems for DRR, the Economy and Welfare, PDNA, DRR and CCA, Disaster Risk Assessment, Outcome of 4th AMCDRR, Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance - Financial/Technical Support from WB-GFDRR - Other Partners: ISDR-AP, GETI Phase II - Planned, Nov./Dec., 2011, GETI (TBC) - 40 Participants from 16 Countries + IGO + UN + CSO - Program: Leadership development for Administrator, policy makers, and DRM focal points (TBC) - Financial/Technical Support by WB-GFDRR (confirmed), ISDR-AP, GETI (TBC) 2. Training & Capacity Building
6/10 3. Three Sub-regional Project Universities, Research Institutes, Various Governments Cambodia Vietnam Lao PDR Myanmar Philippines SE Asia Region Pacific Region For FMM 5 Countries Bhutan India Nepal Bangladesh Pakistan NEMA, GFDRR (2011~2012, US$1.5m) Fiji Samoa Vanuatu Marshal Island Papua New Guinea For CRM 5 Countries For GLOF 5 Countries Himalayan Region Possible Contents of the 3 Sub-regional Project SE Asian Region Pacific RegionHimalayan Region Flood Mng. & Mtg.GLOFCyclone Risk Management Early Warning System Design and Specification of Embankment for Lakes Water Demand Management Early Warning System Cyclone Shelter Programme Construction Seawall Risk Reduction Design for Solar powered house SIFMEAP: Sustainable & Integrated Flood Management EAP (Emergency Action Plan) Linking FFS (Flood Forecasting System)
7/10 4. Development of Guidelines Key Factors on National Development Process CCA & DRR in National Development Process CCA & DRR contribute national development with improving response to disasters CCA & DRR decrease vulnerability and hazard exposure CCA & DRR promote positive application land use and environment Natural Hazard Coping with the hazard Disaster Yes No Keep the growth path Shift Down the growth path CCA + DRR decreasing increasing Labors & Education Domestic Business Activities National Saving Infra- structure Foreign Invest
8/10 Guideline Contents (draft) 2.1 CCA & DRR 2.2 Cases in Asia Pacific countries 2.3 Lessons for Implementation 2.4 Conclusions and Key Factors Chapter 2. Cases 3.1 What is DRR & CCA? 3.2 Why integrating DRR & CCA? 3.3 How we do integrate DRR & CCA? Chapter 3. Integration of DRR & CCA Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Backgrounds 1.2 Purpose 1.3 Differences with other Guidelines 1.4 Characteristics 4.1 Logics of DRR & CCA into Development 4.2 Integration of DRR & CCA into Development 4.3 Benefits and Costs of DRR & CCA into Development 4.1 Logics of DRR & CCA into Development 4.2 Integration of DRR & CCA into Development 4.3 Benefits and Costs of DRR & CCA into Development Chapter 4. Integration of DDR & CCA into Development Chapter 5. Policy Recommendations Chapter 6. Conclusions 5.1 General Strategies through Policy Process 5.2 Policy Recommendations 5.3 Benefits and Costs of DRR & CCA into Development 5.1 General Strategies through Policy Process 5.2 Policy Recommendations 5.3 Benefits and Costs of DRR & CCA into Development
9/10 Objective: To share the good practices and knowledge for replication in other countries of the region Steps: To review the documents and translating those into the context of the region, printing, uploading, and sharing at various forums Outputs: Replication of initiatives, knowledge management, and sharing with adopting few of the projects into the context of other countries in the region ⇒ First set will be prepared before 2012: 5~7 Knowledge Notes, i.e., on urban flood, PDIA, landslide, information systems, rainfall infiltration and detention techniques, etc. 5. Development of Knowledge Products
10/10 Web-based Platform: will be operational next month+, need to invite more ownership, will ask experts support from IAP members, i.e., ADPC, GFDRR Training: Detailed concept and program will be announced as soon as GETI schedule is cleared (preferably first week of December, 2011). 3 sub-regional projects: Special session will be prepared during the above- mentioned training, ⇒ Need to have a 30 minute-meeting in this room from 17:00 tomorrow (Sept. 7, 2011) by the officials from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Vietnam. Also, representatives from ASEAN, SEEDS, ISDR, ADPC are invited for their inputs (to be coordinated by NEMA & GFDRR). Development of Guidelines: Draft will be formulated in Sept. and guideline developers from IOs or other agencies will be invited for advice and participation (possibly before Dec. 2011, maybe in conjunction with GETI training). ⇒ Need overall monitoring schemes not only for the NEMA-initiated projects, but also for all the activities in the region related to the Incheon Action Plan Future Direction