EFJ Annual Meeting 2008 Organising for Quality, Diversity and Ethics in Journalism Berlin, June 14, 2008
Challenges Commercial-editorial balance Undue political, external influences Remove obstacles to press freedom Unprotected, vulnerable workforce Revival of Mission in journalism theres more….
Challenges Creating professional solidarity Suspicion of Unionism Credible self-regulation Building a Campaign
Changing Working Conditions Survey of developments in 37 countries. Covering 230,000 journalists. Average rate of pay had decreased in real terms (40%) or significantly decreased in real terms (15%) over previous 5 years. 55% report change in employment relationship over previous 5 years.
Less Job Security Trend towards individual contracts. Employment more precarious and less secure. Younger journalists replace older, more experienced staff often to save costs. Journalists working in multi-media environment
Challenges: Media Quality Insecure employment, low pay lead to timid reporting and ethical decline Editorial Cuts hit Standards Decline in investigative reporting Development of bland news agenda
Ethical Journalism Initiative Supports Union as Champion of Ethical Standards Status of journalist as independent professional Promotion of talent and recognition of good journalism – journalism prizes? Establishing transparent rules of behaviour
Checklist For Action on Quality Media: At Work Create positive atmosphere in defence of quality media Open debate on Diversity Demand Ethical Management: transparency, editorial independence and workers rights Identify issues for joint actions
Checklist For Action on Quality Media: Unions Join the EJI Campaign Promote debate and discussion Put labour standards on quality agenda Support joint actions -- new social partnership and dialogue
Checklist For Action on Quality Media Diversity Projects and Toolkit Develop National Strategies: Italy, Norway, Denmark.... Organise EFJ follow up to Year of Inter-cultural Dialogue And more….