Immersive Visualization of the Hurricane Isabel Dataset Kenny Gruchalla and Jonathan Marbach BP Center for Visualization University of Colorado at Boulder
2 A First Look
3 BP Center for Visualization Research in Visualization and Immersive Virtual Reality
4 The Immersive Drilling Planner (IDP) A tool for planning oil and gas wells
5 What does that have to do with the Contest? We adapted the Immersive Drilling Planner (IDP) to load the Hurricane Isabel Dataset: Added capabilities for time-varying volume and vector data Added timestep controls Added transfer function editing Added data probes …and we called it AtmosV!
6 The Video Available at
7 AtmosV and the Contest Contest Goals Interactivity Exploration Fusion Our Solution Immersive, Real-time visualization (Performance does matter!) Timestep control, Real-time Text Probes and Temperature Probes, Dataset choice, Transfer function editing, Vector-plane selection Simultaneous visualization of multiple characteristics
8 Challenges Performance/Memory Tradeoff (SGI Onyx 3800 vs Cluster) Vector Volume size (Tried using RGBA encoded vectors and Vertex Texture Fetch – card/drivers arent quite ready) Vector Volume size (Tradeoff between full data integration and full timestep display) Downsampling (Tradeoff between quality and memory footprint) What does it mean to be Immersed in a Volume?
9 Acknowledgements Geoff Dorn, Director, BP Center for Visualization Mercury Computer Systems (TGS, OpenInventor) NVidia The IEEE Vis Contest Committee
10 Contact Information Jonathan Marbach Kenny Gruchalla BP Center for Visualization University of Colorado Campus Box 540 Boulder, CO