Learning Styles Tina Winrow & Linda Nimer CARS+ 2013
What’s your style?
School of Rock
Spelling Do you try to see the word? Do you sound out the word? Do you write the word down to find out how it feels?
Talk Do you talk little and dislike listening for too long? Do you enjoy listening but become impatient to talk? Do you gesture and use expressive movements?
Concentrate Do you become distracted by untidiness or movement? Do you become distracted by sounds/noises? Do you become distracted by activity around you?
Meet Someone Again Do you forget name but remember face or place? Do you forget faces but remember names or topic? Do you remember best what you did together?
Read Do you like descriptive scenes? Do you like conversation or dialogue? Do you prefer action stories or aren’t a keen reader?
Contact People on Business Do you prefer face-to-face, personal meetings? Do you prefer the telephone? Do you talk with them while doing an activity?
Do Something New at Work Do you like to see demonstrations & diagrams? Do you prefer verbal instructions or talking with someone? Do you prefer to jump right in and try it?
Put something together Do you use directions and the picture? Do you ignore directions and figure it out as you go? Do you have someone read directions while you work?
Need help with computer app Do you seek out pictures or diagrams? Do you call the help desk or ask a neighbor? Do you keep trying to do it?
Characteristics - Visual *65% are visual*Eyes are key to learning *Prefer to read information themselves *Want to be in front of the class*Want to see speaker *Difficulty with lectures*Tend to be good spellers *Detailed oriented*See things as pictures in mind *Like to read *Need quiet/clear/clean place to study *Prefer to be neat and clean*Good handwriting *Observe before speaking/acting *Need pictures, graphs, charts, maps for understanding
Strategies -- Visual * Provide written directions*Use pictures *Use diagrams and flow charts for note taking *Write words on board*Use timelines for events *Color code notes*Visualization*Videos *Write down key points*Copy what is on board *Use highlighters*Illustrations* *Before reading look for words in bold and other clues *Create flashcards for vocabulary and key points *Use sticky notes liberally
Preferred Test Styles -- Visual *Essays *Maps *Diagramming **Worst -- listen and respond
Preferred Test Styles -- Visual *Essays *Maps *Diagramming **Worst -- listen and respond
Characteristics -- Auditory *30% are auditory*Ears are key to their learning *Prefer sound and verbalization*Talk to themselves *Excel in lecture format*Love oral presentations *Benefit from reading directions aloud*Talkative *Noisy if needs not met*Enjoy debates/discussions *Follow verbal instructions *Outgoing by nature *Hum or talk when bored*Articulate speaker *Enjoy listening to music *Recall spoken information
Strategies -- Auditory *Repeat words aloud*Small class discussions *Books / articles on tape *Read information aloud while studying *Give opportunities to ask questions *Provide class discussions *Avoid auditory distractions *Watch videos *Make up songs/rhymes to recall facts *Stop often - have students verbalize key points *Use tape recorder for note-taking *Join study groups and discuss material
Preferred Test Styles -- Auditory *Oral response to lecture Worst style -- reading comprehension
Characteristics -- Kinesthetic *5% are kinesthetic *Need to get up and move *Keys to learning are hands and bodies *Hard to sit still *Prefer hands-on activities*Enjoy exploring *May fidget, drum, bounce if needs not met *Talk fast *Young children start with this style *Weak spellers *Touchers and feelers *Need study breaks *Note-taker/doodler during lectures*Rewrite notes *In touch with own feelings *Gesture with hands *Touch others when speaking*Poor handwriting *Remember what was done *Good at sports *Find reasons to move when bored *Prefer to sit near door or in back *Like physical encouragement
Strategies -- Kinesthetic *Demonstrations*Create models *Hands-on activities*Study in comfortable position *Act out key points*Hold book*Stand to speak *Take notes while reading*Use beats/rhythm to explain *Sit near front*Use brain gym *Record lectures to listen while walking*Frequent breaks *Role playing*Visual aids*Field trips*Labs *Recite key concepts while moving *Enter notes into computer
Preferred Test Styles -- Kinesthetic *Fill in blank or multiple choice *Project based assessment Worst -- long essay tests
Super Styles
Learning Styles Math
Whose job is it ?
It is painful to watch children with unique learning styles and abilities attempt to produce the expected result using only one standard process....the correct answer isn't correct if the standard process wasn't used. Let them use their brains the way they work...
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Math Facts