My Year in Third Grade! By: Nicholas Wallick
About ME! My name is Nicholas Wallick. I am 9 year’s old. I think third Grade was fantastic!
Three Reasons I feel that way… You always have help. Friends always surround you.
My Favorite Homeroom class is Math! You always learn. It’s sometimes hard. You learn a lot.
My Favorite Special out side the classroom is Gym! You learn to be healthy! The gym is really nice! We also always play fun games!
My Favorite things to do at Recess are… 1. Baseball because we have a great time. 2. Is to play football because we are so competitive.
In reading class we read a lot of books! My favorite was Riding Freedom, By Pam Mun ̃ ez Ryan. I loved it because it was good. It was very exciting.
This year I read 14 different books ! My favorite was Travel Team. It was about a kid who was really good at baseball However, some parents of other teams wanted to see his birth certificate he doesn’t have it yet…
I thought the Best Part of Third Grade was… Going to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty !!!
My Advice to other Third Grader’s Would be… 1. Work hard! 2. Never worry! 3. And don’t…forget stay calm!