“A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work”. -Colin Powell
The ability to think about and plan for the future, using intelligence and imagination. Someone's idea or hope of how something should be done, or how it will be in the future. VISION
A crippling disease that strikes high school seniors. Symptoms include laziness, and over-excessive wearing of old athletic wear, sweatpants and sweatshirts. Also features a lack of studying, repeated absences, and a general dismissive attitude. The only known cure is a phenomenon known as… GRADUATION!
Significant drop in GPA. Failure to graduate in June Rescinding of college acceptance decisions. Unusual and unnecessary panic and stress. Unbelievable amount of counselor, parental, and student tears. HOW WILL YOU FEEL IN JUNE?
Morgan State Mount St. Mary’s
42% were accepted to a 4 year college 65% were accepted to a 2 year college 91% were accepted to a colleges CAN WE GET TO 100%?!?
There IS a college for EVERYONE. People have varying circumstances that require different types of support, so please see your counselor to get tailored assistance based on you and your family’s needs.
FALL Attend College Information Night presentation September 17 th, 2015 from 6-7 pm Follow College Application Procedure. Take SAT and/or ACT and SAT Subject tests if needed. Send scores! Visit college campuses. Visit with College Reps in the Career Center. Attend school wide College Night event October 13 th. Access support in computer labs for completing college applications. FALL/WINTER Complete and submit college applications – abide by deadlines. Request mid-year report to colleges if needed. Complete and submit FAFSA as soon as possible after January 1 st. Apply for scholarships. Attend the FAFSA workshop on January 13 th, 2016 from 7-8 pm ASVAB test, if needed SPRING Maintain good grades and attendance – VERY IMPORTANT! Most schools ask for mid-year transcripts – avoid Senior Slump! Best Final Transcript from Mrs. Jimenez/Mrs. Jacobson (or Ms. Walker).
Colleges I’m Thinking About
Signed transcript request form Transcript fees (The first 3 are free, then they are $3 each) Student Brag Sheet WMHS Secondary School Report Form Stamped, addressed envelopes for colleges that still require mailed documents. Request Teacher Recommendations (It could be 0, 1, 2, or even 3… so check each college’s requirements!)
A College Application or Common Application. Secondary School Report Form Official Transcript Recommendation Letters (Allow 15 school days) Test scores from College Board or ACT (YOU SEND) Anything else colleges request (Ex. Portfolio) Application Fee / Fee Waiver
Mrs. Jimenez will give the counselor the student’s file with the request for a letter of recommendation if needed. Students need to request a recommendation letter at least 15 business days in advance or recommendation letters will not make the deadline.
Official transcript which lists: Courses Grades (GPA) Credits for grades 9, 10, and 11 Course titles for grade 12. The School Profile. Recommendation from counselor. (Envelopes and stamps can be purchased through Mrs. Jimenez.)
Create appropriate address. Use for applications, Family Connection/Common App, and Check Regularly! Be aware of each college’s requirements and deadlines. Complete/Submit applications before deadline. (don’t wait!) Follow WMHS College Application process. Colleges may contact you and tell you to follow a different process. If this happens, then please come see us, but do not worry because our process will work for most colleges. Check each college’s scholarship webpage and the College and Career Center page for scholarship list.
Priority deadline is November 1 st. Do you know what this means?? Submit by this date for best chance of admission & to be considered for Honors, Gemstone, Scholars, & merit scholarships. 95% of the class will be selected from these applicants. You need to request Test Scores to be sent directly from the test center to College Park. Request by October 1 st. Request official transcript by October 1 st.
Applications are available on-line beginning October 1 st and is FREE if you do it before March. Due date for the Scholars Program and Macklin Program is in January This is a separate application. There are Associate’s degree & certificate programs. Students MUST take the Accuplacer if they do not earn a 24 or higher on each section of the ACT or a 550 or higher on both sections of the SAT. Take assessment tests before registration. There is NO need to request a transcript to apply at this time.
Take it SERIOUSLY!!! A student who tests at the lowest developmental levels will pay an additional $2,700 (county rate) and complete at least two additional semesters in non-credit courses.
Student athletes considering Division I or II colleges must register with NCAA no later than October 1 st. Send ACT and/or SAT scores to Clearinghouse. See Mrs. Jimenez for official transcript.
Colleges, Federal Financial Aid and Maryland Higher Education Commission communicate with students through .