Welcome To: Statistics 101: SPSS An Introduction to the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Music: This is produced by the following HTML code-Sequence © Pierre R. Schwob - by permission Original from the / Classical Archives
Please, visit the course site at: Statistics 101Statistics 101 Click onto Statistics 101 and enter the Log-on screen for the class.
Log-in as follows: Enter the Username: dasp And the Password: dasp Or follow the instructions to set-up your own account.
Once in the SPSS site: Go to the top of the course window in the column titled: Weekly Outline Read the: 1) News forum 2) Syllabus 3) Week 1 Lecture Assignment.
Do the following: 1) Take the Pre-Course Survey; 2) Post your self introduction, according to the instructions, in the ‘Ice Breaker’ Forum located in the first weeks content area; 3) Get you SPSS software downloaded- ask questions in the Week 1 or General course forums. 4) Take the survey/evaluation by Sunday, 12:00pm of Week 1.
Everything is explained with the course site! So, let’s begin… All of your course material is available from the first day of class. Feel free to work ahead, but make sure that you add your posts to each weeks Discussion forum, as you are graded on these weekly efforts. Everything that you need is in this one page of the course site. If for any reason the course should go down the alternate course site is my personal site--which can be reached by clicking on my photo on the first page of this presentation or below. Bookmark this address: for future reference. Please, spend some time seeing what is available there as well as all at our course website. Good luck to all!