ICE BREAKER The opening activity is to have students think of an animal whose name starts with the same letter as their name. For example “Monkey” if the students name is Maria. Student will pass a the banana-monkey to each other and call out that animal name and they will keep passing it until each has had a turn. Teacher will state that this year the students in their class and their teachers have become their network.
Transition One Imagine sitting on a stool with one leg, briefly explain what experience you would have if you sat on a stool with one leg? How about two legs? How many legs would you need to on a stool to feel support? Why? Could you have more legs than that? Can anyone make a connection to the legs that support a stool to the people that support you? So what does one leg represent?
DATA Lets look at your Data. Remember this was not a test. There are no right or wrong answers. As you are analyzing your own personal data please answer the questions on page 16.
School support and success What are some ways that your family could support you at school? What are some ways that your teacher can support you at school? What are some ways that your peers can support you at school?
My Network Students will fill out their my network page. Students will write their names like “Maria’s Network.” Have students share with monkey.
Extra Credit Homework Create a poem, write an essay, or find lyrics to a song that describe “what make or what is a good friend