Freshman Intensive Studies Summer 2009 Family Orientation—Student Program Your Q & A for Everything FIS! Presented by: Mark Sapara, Assistant Dean and Director of FIS Prof. Mary Ford, Assistant Director/Learning Specialist
Getting to know names….. Icebreaker Ball Toss (Names) Unique feature and characteristic
What questions do you have about the FIS program or FDU? Write a question on an index card.
New for …..!!!! FIS Learning Communities in the residence halls Linked Classes—English, History and Freshman Seminar Upgraded Housing—suite-style, study area, living room, new furniture and central air conditioning. The chance to meet students from other programs (Psychology, Honors, Leadership) In-state and out-of-state trips (i.e. Holocaust Museum) Fun activities—social events, pre-semester BBQ and dinner socials Close contact with peers, professors and staff There is one space left for a male student—we are creating a waiting list in case spaces open up.
Creating a Webmail Account Open a web browser and navigate to Click on CREATE NEW ACCOUNT. Select your campus. Select either “Student Using ID” or “Student Using Social Security Number.” Click on PROCEED TO NEXT STEP. After reading the Acceptable Use Policy, click on “I ACCEPT.” Fill in the appropriate information and PROCEED TO NEXT STEP. Fill in the next screen with the requested information. Be sure to copy your login name, address and password once you have successfully created your account. Then click OK.
Freshman Intensive Studies Summer 2009 Family Orientation—Parent Program Your Q & A for Everything FIS! Presented by: Mark Sapara, Assistant Dean and Director of FIS Prof. Mary Ford, Assistant Director/Learning Specialist
Features of the FIS Program All students enter as Undeclared majors in Becton College of Arts & Sciences Most students will have a reduced credit load during the first semester (13-14 credits, depending on major)—Fall 2009 schedules are created by FIS FIS pre-selected courses in English, Math, History and Social Sciences (FIS-only and Integrated courses) An additional hour of instructional support for pre-selected courses Individual and Group Learning Assistance, Study Groups and Academic Skills Workshops FIS-only Freshman Seminars Midterm Grade Reporting/Academic Alert
Learning Assistance and Academic Support Individual appointments with a full-time Learning Specialist to work on study skills and learning strategies Group Workshops on Academic Skills Study Groups Writing Assistance Reading Strategies
What Types of Workshops are Available to FIS Students? Classroom Etiquette Time Management Note-Taking Skills Test Preparation & Test-Taking Strategies Memory Techniques Reading Strategies Research Strategies The Writing Process
New for …..!!!! FIS Learning Communities in the residence halls Linked Classes—English, History and Freshman Seminar Upgraded Housing—suite-style, study area, living room, new furniture and central air conditioning. The chance to meet students from other programs (Psychology, Honors, Leadership) In-state and out-of-state trips Fun activities—social events, pre-semester BBQ and dinner socials Close contact with peers, professors and staff There is one space left for a male student—we are creating a waiting list in case spaces open up.
Midterm Grade Reporting/ Academic Alert In mid-October and mid-March, faculty will submit a midterm grade, including absences, for each student. FIS reserves the right to reduce a student’s course load at this point. Students below a 2.0 at midterms will be on Academic Alert and restricted from participation in co-curricular activities, including Athletics and Clubs/Organizations. Students on Academic Alert will meet with a mentor to devise an action plan for improvement.
Two additional financial benefits A grant to cover two (2) Tuition-Free courses (6 credits) during the 1 st Summer Session 2010 (May 24-July 2) taken at the College at Florham OR Metropolitan Campus (course fees and housing not included) $2,000 annually renewable grant (up to 3 additional years) for students who successfully complete the FIS program. Students must have a 2.0 GPA by the end of the summer session with 28 credit hours successfully completed for the year, including non-credit developmental courses.
Academic Performance for FIS students in Student Profile 97 students entered FIS; 85 completed Spring 2009 (2 did not complete fall 2008, 10 students did not return for spring 2009) High School GPAs ranged from 2.0 to 3.9 (24% above a 3.0) Average HS GPA of 2.68 SAT scores range from Verbal (330to 610) – 446 Avg. Math (320 to 600) – 443 Avg. Writing (350 to 600) – 464 Avg. Academic Standing at end of Spring 2009: 24.6% > 3.0 Highest GPA = % between % < 2.0
Misconceptions about FIS It is going to be easier for the student, as it is a guarantee for success. As long as students do the work and try hard, they will pass. Missing class allows a student more time to make up the work. The FIS staff will serve as the go-between for the faculty and student. Only FIS students take Developmental (pre-college) classes. FIS students are completely segregated from their peers. FIS can fix a roommate conflict, financial aid problem or quality of food in the cafeteria. FIS will chase after students. FIS will contact parents when the student is not performing well.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) What is it? FEDERAL LAW ENACTED 1974 PROTECTS THE PRIVACY OF STUDENT RECORDS Except for directory information, the university cannot release confidential educational records (example – grades & transcripts) without student authorization
What if the student signs the FERPA Waiver Form granting consent? Since FERPA pertains to educational records, the waiver form does not entitle parents or guardians to receive information about students’ progress (including grades) during the FIS year. No information regarding grades and progress can be given out over the phone to anyone, including the student.
Students with Learning Disabilities What support can FIS students get? What is not provided by FIS? If eligible, FIS students will receive accommodations, as determined by the Director of Special Student Services in compliance with ADA standards The Learning Specialist offers assistance in general academic and study skills We do not inform professors of students’ accommodations We do not provide specific Meta-cognitive Strategies for diagnosed learning disabilities We do not proctor exams for students given extra time as part of their accommodations
How does a student go about receiving accommodations? Contact Dr. Brenda Jackson, Director of Special Student Services, immediately to review the IEP and determine if your student is eligible for accommodations. ( ; Students are asked to report any accommodations to their professors at the beginning of the semester, even though professors are notified by letter of any accommodations. Students MUST NOT wait until the day of the test. Students do not have to report their accommodations to the FIS staff—it is optional.
What does FIS expect from students? To rise to the high academic standards set by FDU, regardless of their profile as an incoming student To be open to new learning and study strategies that may differ from what they experienced in high school To seek assistance, advice and support when needed To communicate their challenges and successes to parents and relatives To take charge in problem-solving, including conflict resolution, and not rely on others to do it for them
Are you a Helicopter Parent? Are you in constant contact with your student? Are you in regular contact with school administration? Do you make your student's academic decisions? Do you call or text your student several times a day? Do you read your student’s ? Do you feel it is your responsibility to solve personal problems for your student? Do you feel you have failed if your student does poorly?
What are the Negative Effects of Helicopter Parenting? Students do not learn how to advocate for themselves. Students do not develop problem-solving skills, often relying on parents to “work it out” for them. Parents feel more anxiety. Administrators spend time that could be devoted to students trying to alleviate parents’ worries and concerns.
How can you help without hovering? Stay out of roommate, social, and grading disputes. Take a coaching role in areas of academics, finances, and student life. Be aware of the difference between helpful involvement and unproductive hovering. Encourage your student to communicate openly with you about their academic performance, rather than expecting the university to take on this responsibility. Model good choices for your students (ex. Do not plan a family vacation during the semester; do not allow your student to miss a class or exam to come home) Encourage students to contact FIS if there is a problem or concern. Don’t do it for them. Encourage students to get involved in campus life—students who connect with their university often perform better academically!
Important Information for Parents Remind your student that the mandatory FIS Breakfast Orientation is Monday, August 31 st at 9:45 a.m. in Lenfell Hall, the Mansion. If your student has a disability, contact Dr. Brenda Jackson well before the start of the semester. If interested in the Learning Community, encourage your student to approach us immediately. Review “Resources for Parents” on the FIS Web site. Be aware of university policy for extended absences (more than a week, contact the Dean of Students Office). Summer Session 2010 begins Tuesday, May 24 th and runs through Friday, July 2 nd. Please plan family vacations accordingly.
What is the Key to Success in FIS….? “What matters most is what students do, not who they are.” -The National Survey of Student Engagement-
And Now… Any Questions???