1 Create and Manage Shopping Carts and Receive Goods (Requester) Take the journey. Enjoy the view.
2 Class Agenda Welcome and Introductions Shopping Carts Going Shopping Additional Shopping Cart Procedures Receiving Goods as a Requester EBP Communications Course Review Class Summary Activities
3 Icebreaker My First Job: Describe a positive lesson learned from your first job
4 Lesson: Shopping Carts Objectives Requester Role Approver Role Shopping Cart Features Shopping Cart Statuses Line Functions Shopping Cart Workflow
5 The EBP Process Requester orders goods Approver approves orderSupplier fills the order Supplier ships orderRequester confirms ReceiptSupplier invoices order
6 EBP Roles Requester Approver Central Receiver*
7 Check Your Progress Activity: Key Points to Remember
8 Lesson: Going Shopping in EBP Objectives Create Shopping Carts Line Item Details Place Shopping Carts on Hold Process Shopping Carts Statuses
9 The Purchasing Process Insert visio chart here
10 The Purchasing Process The IT Department must: Define Organizational Structure Customize SAP R/3 Set up catalogs Allow Requesters to access catalogs
11 Activity Exercise: Create Shopping Carts Check Your Progress
12 Lesson: Additional Shopping Cart Procedures Objectives Change Shopping Carts Shop on Behalf of Another Special Request Items Price on Request Items Expedite Orders Block Orders Change Orders
13 Activity: How Good is 99.9%? Check Your Progress
14 Break
15 Lesson: Receiving Goods as a Requester Objectives Goods Receipts Confirmations
16 Goods Receipt Terms and Definitions Insert graphic of EBP to SAP R/3 here
17 Confirmations A confirmation combines the functions of goods receipt and service entry sheets. Suppliers can confirm they have filled orders Employees can confirm the goods and services they have ordered
18 Lesson: EBP Communications Objectives EBP Communications Lotus Notes
19 Major Review Guess the Question
20 Course Evaluation
21 Questions?
22 Thank You!!! Closing Quote: When your work speaks for itself, don’t interrupt. -Henry F. Kaiser