Comprehensive Management Plan for Puget Sound Chinook Harvest
Conservation: Population productivity, abundance & diversity Account for all fishery-related mortality Legal & Policy Obligations: Indian Treaty Rights Puget Sound Salmon Management Plan Pacific Salmon Treaty Meet ESA Jeopardy Standards Provide Fishing Opportunities: Healthy Species & Stocks Puget Sound Chinook Harvest Plan Objectives
Populations Stocks Management Units Conservation for:
Puget Sound Chinook Complex Life History
North Pacific Fisheries Management Council Alaska Board of Fisheries Pacific Salmon Commission Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans Pacific Fisheries Management Council Columbia River Compact (WA, OR & Tribes) U.S. v Washington Plans U.S. v Oregon Plans Puget Sound Chinook Controlling Fisheries
Seasons Catch Quotas Area Restrictions Gear Restrictions Size Limits Impact Limits
Spawning Numbers Control Fisheries To Meet Spawning Goal: Avoid Low Spawner Abundance Meet or exceed Upper Spawner Threshold
Cedar River Chinook Spawning Escapement Trend Upper Threshold = 1680
Lake Washington Chinook Exploitation Rates
Lake Washington Chinook Fishing Impacts 2009 Alaska & Canada21% Southern U.S. total20% Pre-Terminal Only11% Terminal Only9% TOTAL All Fisheries 41%
Puget Sound Chinook 2009 Management Plan Rate Limits Skagit S/F50% Skagit Spring38% Stillaguamish25% Snohomish21% White R Spring20% Puyallup50%
Puget Sound Chinook Lake Washington Fishing Impacts under Revised Plan – beginning in 2010 Alaska & CanadaCanada-U.S. Treaty thru (~21%) Southern U.S. max rate20% Terminal Area (Shilshole Bay, Ship Canal, Lake Wa) No chinook-directed fishing Expected TOTAL Rate All Fisheries 41%
Puget Sound Chinook Lake Washington Revised Plan Terminal Area (Shilshole Bay, Ship Canal, Lake Wa) No chinook- directed fishing Except if: Cedar River Escapement > 1680 Co-Managers may conduct chinook-directed fisheries Expected Rate in All Fisheries may > 41%
Cedar River Chinook Spawning Escapement Trend In-Season Estimation Lock Counts & other information Total Runsize Cedar River Runsize Cedar River Spawners Fishery (tribal & state) Impacts Estimate Uncertainty How will we know if we will exceed the Upper Threshold ?
Sammamish Chinook Spawning Escapement Trend