Effective Teaching
Effective teaching Will result in effective learning. Which must have a known organization pattern and apparent structure. (The Agricultural Education Magazine, Volume 77, issue 4, page 6) Better learning, better classroom setting.
Ways to have effective teaching...
Organization Things run smoothly. You and the students will be able to understand more of what you are teaching. With organization, we have a set plan on what we are going to teach our students. 6F3L_8 6F3L_8
Structure An understanding of the curriculum process and responsibilities of a state- based program of study is essential. (The Agricultural Education Magazine, Volume 77, Issue 4, Page 7) Having the structure will help your organization process run smoother.
Activities Using activities rather than learning out of the book helps students that have different learning skills. Types of activities: hands-on, group work (also helps have more interaction within the class), outside work.
Activities Within activities, you have self- discovery. With self-discovery, A sense of self- determination that truly existed before but not fully realized within... (The Agricultuaral Education Magazine, Volume 76, Issue 3, page 22).The students have a boost of confidence when they realize that they have accomplished something by themselves. Being educators we can exercise and individually bring that about.
Enthusiasm Using enthusiasm students attention span will increase and increase learning. Example: yLy04 yLy04
Technology Using the sources that are available. (Computers, phones, etc.) Use technology just not in the classroom but in SAEs outside of the classroom. This is another way to be interacting with your students just not in the class rooms.
Technology In this generation and time everything is going toward better and newer technology. And technology gives us teachers more opportunities to hit high points that maybe some of us couldnt at times. With the students growing up around these new things that might be the only effective way of learning at some point
Summery With effective teaching you dont only help the students, you are helping yourself learn. Use different ways to be a effective teacher. Like Technology, enthusiasm, and activities. With these three ways you help students out that dont learn like others. You hit all ways of learning. And more students will want to get involved.
Engaging all learner in learning is our primary mission as educators. (The Agricultural Education, Volume 74, Issue 3, Page 6)