What is advisory? Usually minute daily session but can vary Usually at beginning of day Usually students per adult The teacher is a role model “Lighter” side of counseling NOT advising
What is the purpose? Ensure that each student is known at school by at least one adult Guarantee that every student belongs to a peer group Promote communication and coordination between home and school Provide educational and social advice Enhance personal and social development of students
Pros of Advisory Positive teacher student relationship building More personal than a guidance counselor Every student has positive role model Behavioral changes noticed Teachers stay informed on student activities Easier transition to high school
Cons of Advisory Teachers may not put in the time Will teachers take it seriously? Teachers may not be properly trained Gossiping might be a problem Should home situations be discussed?
Stages of Advisory Group Development 1. Starting out 2. Trust building 3. Closeness 4. Independence 5. Parting
Starting Out Members ask what the purpose of the group is and if they want to belong Introductions are made Introductory games are played (ice breakers) The rules/guidelines are set Confidentiality is discussed
Trust Building Group members are getting to know one another May be conflict Group spends time to create a foundation of trust Trust building activities, group problem solving, playing games to get discussion going Trust fall, string game
Closeness Group members feel comfortable with each other A feeling of togetherness and belonging develops Can introduce difficult topics for discussion Members feel there is an adult who cares about them Members should bring up issues that are concerning them school/advisor-program/index.aspx
Independence Members are developing their own problem-solving strategies They assert their own opinions Less advisor interaction; more peer interaction Members feel more able to cope with their own issues Journals are a good idea
Parting At end of school year Group is very close to each other Activity of reminder of time together Discuss what worked/didn’t work
Role of the Advisor Get to know all students Provide a safe place for students Establish rules for confidentiality Set up the activities
Tips for Successful Meetings Meetings no more than 30 minutes Take time to build relationships Keep meetings “light” and “informal” Be yourself and avoid being self-conscious Successful Activities Name games Service Learning Project