Section 05
2 Introduction Class roll call Instructor Introduction Instructor’s Educational Philosophy General Information about class BlackBoard accounts We will review Blackboard next class Syllabus review Ice breaker Self Assessment
3 Instructor Tony Gauvin Associate Professor Of E-Commerce 216 Nadeau Hall (207) or Extension 7519 BlackBoard Tony's Resume Website (
4 Instructional Philosophy Out-Come based education Would rather discuss than lecture Requires student preparation Hate grading assignments Especially LATE assignments Use class interaction, assignments, quizzes and projects to determine if outcomes are met.
5 FYE Survival Primer Read Material BEFORE the class discussion Use textbook’s website Check BlackBoard Often Use the additional resources identified in syllabus & in BlackBoard ASK questions about what you didn’t understand in readings DON’T do homework at last minute. REVEIW lectures and notes Seek HELP if you are having difficulties OFFER feedback and suggestions to the instructor in a constructive manner
6 FYE Specifics Blackboard used to augment course Six Desired outcomes Obtain academic support at UMFK Employ good study habits Create a complete educational plan for program completion and career exploration Complete the Passport activities in a broad area of programs and service to the community Discuss healthy choices in relationships and personal wellness Create and participate in readings and programs unique to the St. John River Valley culture, land stewardship, and history
7 Blackboard Login name and password Help with Blackboard is available from Blake Library staff All assignments will be administered from BlackBoard
8 Syllabus review Requirements Grading Course outline Special Notes Subject to change
1947 HD FLH “knucklehead” 2011 Audi R Buick RoadMaster Convertible or Sedanette 1957 Buick Special 1972 SS 402 El Camino 1970 Oldsmobile 442 (W-30 option) 1965 Shelby Cobra S/C Ferrari 348 Spyder 2006 Dodge Viper SRT Bribe List (2011 ) Copyright 2005 Prentice HallCh 1 -9
Icebreaker Write down the following on an Index card Name Place of Birth Major Reason for going to college Each person reads the information items to the rest of class in alphabetical order and hands card to instructor On a second card write Four facts about yourself, one of which is false The facts should start with “I ” and should not include any identifying information Cards will be collected and shuffled I’ll hand out the cards randomly for students to read and we’ll try to guess the author. These cards will be collected and destroyed
Example Card one Tony Gauvin Edmundston, NB, Canada Economics To get a better job Card two I like cooking (and eating!) I have visited over 20 countries I was a member of a 1% “outlaw” motorcycle gang I have 4 brothers and one sister
Self- assessment Test is for your own use and will not be seen by instructor Required for OC Journal entry 1 How to take exam Answer each of the 64 question as honestly as possible, go with your first reaction Add results as directed by Score sheet Analyze results
For Next Class Read Chapter one of the On Course text Read the introduction to Omnivore’s Dilemma