Opening the Scriptures! Three Year Study thru the Bible Daily Reading - Bookmark available in the back Weekly Study – on Wednesday nights at 6:30 This week: John 1-8 Jesus expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself … And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures Luke 24:27,45
Gospel Matthew Mark Luke John Emphasis Jesus as the Messiah Jesus as a Servant Jesus as a Man Jesus as God…Son of God
Joseph’s- David’s line None - servant Mary’s - humanity In the Beginning… Gospel Matthew Mark Luke John Genealogy Jesus as the Messiah Jesus as a Servant Jesus as a Man Jesus as God…Son of God
I. Incarnation of Son of God (1:1–18) II. Presentation of Son of God (1:19–4:54) III. Opposition to Son of God (5:1–12:50) IV. Discipleship by Son of God (13:1–17:26) V. Execution of the Son of God (18:1–19:37) VI. Resurrection of the Son of God (19:38–21:23) VII.Conclusion (21:24, 25) Outline of John
I. Incarnation of the Son of God (1:1–18) II.Presentation of the Son of God (1:19–4:54) Presentation by John the Baptist (1:19–34) Presentation to First Disciples (1:35–51) Presentation in 1 st Sign – Water to wine (2:1–12) Presentation in Temple – cleansed (2:13–25) Presentation to Nicodemus (3:1-21) Presentation by John the Baptist (3:22-36) Presentation to Samaritan Woman (4:1-42) Presentation in 2 nd Sign–Nobleman’s Son (4:46–54) Outline of John
I. Incarnation of the Son of God (1:1–18) II.Presentation of the Son of God (1:19–4:54) III.Opposition to the Son of God (5:1–12:50) Opposition at Feast – Sabbath problems (5:1–47) 1 st sign: healing at Bethsaida (5:1–9) Rejection by the Jews (5:10–47) Opposition at Passover – Bread of life (6:1–71) 4 th sign: feeding the 5,000 (6:1–14) 5 th sign: walking on water (6:15–21) Bread of Life discourse (6:22–71) Opposition at Tabernacles (7:1–10:21) Jesus Brothers Don’t believe – timing (7:1-10) Mixed Reception at the Feast (7:11-53) Outline of John
1 st Life, Joy - Water to wine – joy, life, real life Jesus brings Blessed are the poor in spirit Cleansing of the Temple Blessed are those who mourn 2 nd Brokenness - Nobleman – need of brokenness, submission Blessed are the meek 3 rd Desire - Man at Bethesda – do you want to be made well? Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness 4 th Picture of Ministry - Feeding of Five Thousand 6:1–14 Blessed are the Merciful 5 th Process of perfecting – Stilling storm (6:16–21)- Peace trials Blessed are the pure in heart 6 th Purpose of pain - Healing the blind man (9:1–7) Blessed are peacemakers 7 th Victory - Raising of Lazarus (11:38–45)—Victory over death Blessed are those who are persecuted Seven Signs in John
…these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. John 20:30-31