Young Learners Today’s class Teaching English Language Skills 2 (Reading & Writing) Today’s class Introduction to the teacher Icebreaker activities Introduction to the course, syllabus and website Photos and emails About next week - Please call me ‘Jeanne’ or just ‘teacher’! Email: Cell phone: 010-8890-3592 Website:
Icebreakers Name Poems Just a little crazy! Enjoys walking and hiking An 'icebreaker' is an activity, game, or task that is used to get warm up the conversation among learners and help them to introduce themselves. Name Poems Just a little crazy! Enjoys walking and hiking Apples No, I have never been to China Not single! ^^ Enrolled in Korean class
YL TELS 2 “Young Learner: Teaching English Language Skills 2” (YL TELS 2) is designed to help you effectively teach English reading and writing skills to young learners. Practical language teaching activities and resources, lesson planning, learning strategies, and classroom management tips are emphasized.
YL TELS 2 During this course you will… - Examine the reasons and purposes for teaching reading and writing to young learners - Learn the fundamentals of phonics teaching and how to incorporate phonics into a curriculum - Practice activities that help young learners practice handwriting, and show how to link writing with other skills - Experience and practice ways of teaching vocabulary to young learners - Examine and produce various types of poems which are used to introduce young learners to the writing process - Create activity route maps for reading and writing lessons - Read books for young learners and complete book reports to discuss in class
YL TELS 2 Assessment criteria 500 points Assignments 340 points You will be required to complete several homework assignments this semester. Be sure to follow directions carefully, ask for help when you don't understand, and turn each assignment in on time (in class or via email). Late assignments will not be accepted. Readings x 10 100 points Book reports x 10 100 points Word Walls 50 points Activity route map 50 points Mini-book / Tri-o-rama 40 points Attendance 160 points (10 points per day x 16 weeks) Out of respect of your classmates, please come to each class on time and participate actively. In the event that you are late or absent, 1 point will be taken for every 5 minutes and 10 points for being late more than 50 minutes or absent.
Weekly Plan, p.2
Practicum At the end of the TESOL course, you will have the opportunity to do some teaching in a real classroom in Missouri, California, Hawaii, New York, or Seoul. More information about both of these options will be provided as the semester unfolds.
Thursday English class Takes place on Thursday mornings from 9:20-12:30 and lasts for five weeks. If you’re interested, let the office know as soon as possible.
Course coordinator’s website: Password: english Go here for course information and materials downloads
Phone usage in class ☺Good Phone Usage Bad Phone Usage Anything related to the lesson Teaching demonstrations e.g. playing songs, videos Using a dictionary Taking photos for notes Searching for information Quickly answering a message Taking an important call outside Bad Phone Usage Multiple text messages Long Kakaotalk discussions Anything more than a brief moment that is not related to the lesson
For Next Week: 1. Read the article ‘Teaching Reading and Writing’ (starting p.11) in the Week 2 section. Highlight the answers to the questions on p.9 and complete the bonus questions. 2. Look at the Independent Reading Management Kit information (starting p.5).