English 10 with Ms. Meyer Please grab a copy of the class expectations (GREEN) and a media opt out form (WHITE) before finding a seat.
Class Intro Welcome! Please make sure you have the GREEN paper (2 pages) and the opt out media form. We’ll be going over these shortly. Roll – is everyone where he’s supposed to be? This is English 10, room 210, with Ms. Meyer (2A, 3A, and 2B)
Course Description This class is ultimately a philosophy class. We have five units of study: Understanding Self Understanding Human Nature Understanding the Effect of Human Interaction with Society and the World Global Perspectives The Writing Portfolio
What to Expect Lots of discussion! We’ll be discussing abstract concepts (philosophy, morality) and trying to understand what connects us (you and me) with our history and the rest of the modern world. In other words, English 10 is basically an exploration of other cultures, other mindsets, and the common core that links us all. Our starting point will be archetypes, and we’ll refer to this throughout the year.
Hall Passes There are two passes near the door. Simply get up (when I am NOT in the middle of instruction), check the appropriate box, have me initial, and you’re good to go. You have to sign the passes out/in. We only have two. If you lose them, then it’s bye-bye breaks. Please try not to interrupt the class. Do not leave in the middle of a test, quiz, seminar, or discussion.
Class Rules Be on time Be considerate and respectful – of me AND your peers! Don’t sleep. Don’t use your phones constantly. Have a good attitude and be willing to work.
Grades Total points Mostly: classwork, tests, quizzes, and papers. You will have a research project and a portfolio project. I do not accept late homework. Period. Late essays/projects will be penalized. Assignments will lose 10 points per class period. If you are absent, turn in your assignment when you return to school. You will have 3 days to complete and turn in your makeup work.
Weebly Meyerenglish.weebly.com
Contact Sheet Complete with parents. Return next class. Make sure the information is accurate and that both you and your parents have signed! Media sheet – this only has to be returned if you do NOT want to be published.
SAT Vocabulary – 1 word a week; quiz at the end of the quarter Daily grammar practice (usually 2 sentences or so) Ice breaker: Index Card: Put your name on the blank front of the card. On the lined back, answer the following questions: 1) What is something you think all people should be able to do? 2) What can you do that is unique? 3) What is something other people do not know about you? Personalized Quote: Using your devices (or your memory), find a quote that you think captures who you are. This can be your outlook on life, your personality, a saying you live by, etc. You can use song lyrics, quotes from famous people, lines from movies, etc. Write this beneath your answers to the above questions. Example: “Don’t dream it, be it.” – Rocky Horror Picture Show In the left upper hand corner, write your zodiac sign. In the right upper hand corner, draw a doodle of your favorite novel/tv show/movie and provide the title. In the lower left corner, write the name of your favorite band (or genre of music). In the lower right corner, write the title of your favorite novel/comic book/short story.
Embrace the Shake Learn to embrace who you and overcome your challenges. Make your challenges work for you!