Agenda 9:00 – 9:10Welcome | Good News 9:10 – 9:20Introduction to Learning Objectives 9:20 – 9:40Ice Breaker | Name That Person 9:40 – 9:50Technology Self-Assessment 9:50 – 10:10Overview | Supporting Content Instruction with Technology Integration for Struggling Students 10:10 – 10:25Brain Break 10:25 – 10:55Google Earth to Support Geography 10:55 – 11:15Quizlet to Support Content Vocabulary 11:15 – 11:45Web Resources to Support Content Literacy 11:45 – 12:00Assessment | Wrap-Up
Welcome A little bit about… Cassandra Trawitz Teacher, Administrator, Mom 15 years in education Undergrad and Graduate at WMU Current Graduate studies at MSU Three years as technology teacher
Objectives Understand that students need access to grade level content in all subjects even if they struggle with reading and writing Learn about technology based resources to enable access to social studies content for all students Learn how to use technology resources to improve accessibility of content in social studies Improve your own lesson by using one or more resources you learn about today
Name That Person Divide into two teams Write 5 things on card Collect and place in two piles Draw one card from other team pile Each team tries to name person Points for getting correct on first try! Five points if they get it on the first clue, then 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. The team with the most points wins.
Technology Self-Assessment
Supporting Content Instruction with Technology Integration for Struggling Students Students at all ability levels can struggle with social studies content. What occurs when a teacher limits his/her resources to textbooks, handouts and videos. Students learn best when the are engaged in hands-on, interactive learning where they feel empowered to learn. Today you will learn about three tools: Google Earth: Google Lit Trips Quizlet: vocabulary practice and support Google Read and Write: use any website at any reading level.
Brain Break
Google Earth | Geography Google Lit Tours Students take a virtual journey to places they are studying in class Easy to use. Create to reinforce map skills or support literacy. Students ‘fly’ to different locations as if they were on a field trip.
Quizlet | Content Vocabulary Quizlet allows students to practice vocabulary words independently. Quizlet is interactive and engaging. Vocabulary words and definitions are read to students when they click on text. Students are able to visualize the definition of the word by looking at each picture.
Google Read and Write
Assessment & Wrap Up Let’s put it all into practice! Find a lesson plan from the MAISA website, Grade 3 (or your grade) Choose a tool to support a learning objective. Spend a few minutes working with the tool. Finish as homework!
Homework Challenge Want to go further with technology? Check out this module from IRIS: Assistive Technology. Break down barriers for your student learning.
Resources Technology Self Assessment: Ice Breaker Activity: Google Lit Trip: Quizlet: geography-of-michigan-flash-cards/ geography-of-michigan-flash-cards/ Assessment and Wrap-up earID=2015&CurriculumMapID=44& earID=2015&CurriculumMapID=44& Homework