1. Today’s pork is bred to be ____ leaner than that produced 20 years ago. This has resulted in retail cuts which are __%leaner, giving consumers a better value for their food dollar. (V-185)
1. Today’s pork is bred to be ____ leaner than that produced 20 years ago. This has resulted in retail cuts which are __%leaner, giving consumers a better value for their food dollar. 50, 15
2. _____ is the hind leg of a hog that has not been cured or smoked. It may be sold with a ___ or ___. (V-186)
2. _____ is the hind leg of a hog that has not been cured or smoked. It may be sold with a ___ or ___. Fresh ham, bone, boneless
3. Turkey ham, a turkey product formulated to resemble pork ham, can only be made from turkey ___ meat. It cannot contain the __ and the ____ attached to the skin. (V-187)
3. Turkey ham, a turkey product formulated to resemble pork ham, can only be made from turkey ___ meat. It cannot contain the __ and the ____ attached to the skin. Thigh, skin, surface fat attached to the skin
4. Turkey ham is cured and may or may not be ____. (V-187)
4. Turkey ham is cured and may or may not be ____. smoked
5. Turkey ham may also contain __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __ and __ for the purpose of dispersing them. (V-187)
5. Turkey ham may also contain __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __ and __ for the purpose of dispersing them. Cure accelerators, phosphates flavoring agents common salt sugars spices spice extractives dehydrated garlic dehydrated onions water
6. Once the finished turkey ham has been cooked, it cannot weigh more than ______________. (V-187)
6. Once the finished turkey ham has been cooked, it cannot weigh more than ______________. The original weight of the turkey thigh meat used prior to cooking.
7. Does turkey have to be cooked or heated before eating? (V-187)
7. Does turkey have to be cooked or heated before eating? Since turkey ham has been cooked, it doesn’t have to be cooked or heated before eating
8. __________ have been partially cooked by the meat processor and need to be heated to an internal temperature of _____ degrees F before serving. (V-188)
8. __________ have been partially cooked by the meat processor and need to be heated to an internal temperature of _____ degrees F before serving. Cook before eating, 160
9. A cook before eating ham should be cooked for ____ per pound at ___ degrees F oven temperature. (V-188)
9. A cook before eating ham should be cooked for ____ per pound at ___ degrees F oven temperature minutes, 325
10. Assume that an unlabeled ham is the _______ type and heat it to an internal temperature of ____ before serving. (V-189)
10. Assume that an unlabeled ham is the _______ type and heat it to an internal temperature of ____ before serving. Cook before eating, 160
11. The term _____ means that the ham has been cooked in the meat processors oven and may be eaten as it comes from the package. (V-190)
fully cooked
12. To serve warm, “fully cooked hams need only to be heated to an internal temperature of ______. (V-190)
12. To serve warm, “fully cooked hams need only to be heated to an internal temperature of ______. 140 degrees-F
13. Hams that return to their original weight after curing and cooking are labeled _____. (V-191)
13. Hams that return to their original weight after curing and cooking are labeled _____. ham
14. When cured ham returns to within 10 percent above the original weight, it is labeled _______. (V-191)
14. When cured ham returns to within 10 percent above the original weight, it is labeled _______. Ham, water added
15. The added moisture in a cured ham cannot exceed ____ of the weight of the fresh uncured ham. The same labeling regulation applies to ______. (V-191)
15. The added moisture in a cured ham cannot exceed ____ of the weight of the fresh uncured ham. The same labeling regulation applies to ______. 10%, picnic shoulders
16. Which is the best buy, the shank or butt portion of ham? The _______ is preferred by many for making dishes such as baked beans and split pea soup. (V-192)
16. Which is the best buy, the shank or butt portion of ham? The _______ is preferred by many for making dishes such as baked beans and split pea soup. It depends on the meat’s use. The rump (butt) may yield a greater number of attractive slices, but the shank will also yield some good slices. Shank bones
17. Uncooked hams are placed in cans by _____, ie, three pounds go into three- pound cans and five pounds go into five pound cans. (V-193)
17. Uncooked hams are placed in cans by _____, ie, three pounds go into three- pound cans and five pounds go into five pound cans. weight
18. About one ounce of ____, depending on the size of the ham, is added to the can with the ham before it is sealed. (V-193)
18. About one ounce of ____, depending on the size of the ham, is added to the can with the ham before it is sealed. gelatin
19. A canned ham labeled five pounds will contain five pounds of ____, ____ and ____. (V-193)
19. A canned ham labeled five pounds will contain five pounds of ____, ____ and ____. Cooked ham, juices and gelatin
20. Cooked hams are cooked in a ___ that are moved through a _____ cooking chamber. (V-193)
20. Cooked hams are cooked in a ___ that are moved through a _____ cooking chamber. Can, hot water
21. Canned hams shrink about _____ percent in the cooking process. (V-193)
21. Canned hams shrink about _____ percent in the cooking process. 7 to 15%
22. A pork roast in an open pan in the kitchen range will shrink about ______. (V-193)
22. A pork roast in an open pan in the kitchen range will shrink about ______. 20 to 25 percent
23. Ham is the ___ of a ___ and the picnic, often incorrectly called ham, comes from the pork ____. (V-194)
23. Ham is the ___ of a ___ and the picnic, often incorrectly called ham, comes from the pork ____. Hind leg of a hog, shoulder
24. A half ham has had no ____ removed. (V-195)
24. A half ham has had no ____ removed. Center slices
25. Which costs less, picnic shoulder or ham? (V-196)
25. Which costs less, picnic shoulder or ham? The picnic shoulder is not as popular as ham because it has more bone and is less tender.
26. The picnic shoulder is not as popular as ham because it has _______ and is ________. (V-196)
26. The picnic shoulder is not as popular as ham because it has _______ and is ________. More bone, less tender
27. Boston butt is the name sometimes used for part of the _____ of pork. (V-197)
27. Boston butt is the name sometimes used for part of the _____ of pork. shoulder
28. High quality lamb is _____, ____ and ____. (V-198)
28. High quality lamb is _____, ____ and ____. Fine textured, firm, lean
29. In color, the high quality lamb should be __ and the cross section of the bone should be ___, ___ and ___.
Pink, red, moist, porous
30. The fat of high quality lamb should be ___, ___ not too ____. (V-198)
30. The fat of high quality lamb should be ___, ___ not too ____. Firm, white…thick
31. The rack of lamb is the ____ primal called the _______. It contains ribs ____. (V-199)
31. The rack of lamb is the ____ primal called the _______. It contains ribs ____. Unsplit, hotel rack 6-12
32. Can tenderizer be added to meat? (V-200)
32. Can tenderizer be added to meat? Yes, but meat that has an added tenderizer must be so labeled. Also, tenderizer can be added to meat prior to cooking.
33.______ are the source of most meat tenderizers. (V-201)
33.______ are the source of most meat tenderizers. Natural foods
34. The most widely used meat tenderizer is ___ from ____. (V-201)
34. The most widely used meat tenderizer is ___ from ____. Papain, papaya
35. The tenderizer derived from pineapple is _____ and from figs is ____. (V-201)
35. The tenderizer derived from pineapple is _____ and from figs is ____. Bromelin, ficin
36. What effect does meat containing papain have on the person who eats it?. (V-202)
36. What effect does meat containing papain have on the person who eats it? None. Papain, the tenderizer most used commercial and at home, is a natural food substance. Papain is taken from papaya, a nutritious fruit.
37. Besides chemical tenderization, what are some other ways that meat is tenderized? (V-203)
37. Besides chemical tenderization, what are some other ways that meat is tenderized? Mechanical Electrical stimulation
38. Mechanically tenderized meat is also known as ___ or ___or ___ meat. (V-203)
38. Mechanically tenderized meat is also known as ___ or ___or ___ meat. Pinned, needled, massaged
39. Electrical stimulation improves the ___ and ___ of certain meats. (V-203)
39. Electrical stimulation improves the ___ and ___ of certain meats. Tenderness and color brightness
40. The use of tenderizers increases the tenderness but does not change the ___ of the beef. (V-204)
40. The use of tenderizers increases the tenderness but does not change the ___ of the beef. grade
41. Are the steaks in moderately priced steak houses tenderized? What grade of beef is used? (V-205)
41. Are the steaks in moderately priced steak houses tenderized? What grade of beef is used? Some steak houses used steaks that have been dipped in a tenderizer and mechanically tenderized. The grade of meat may be designated by the restaurant.
42. Does tenderization affect the keeping quality of beef? (V-206)
42. Does tenderization affect the keeping quality of beef? No. It will keep in the refrigerator or freezer for the same length of time as other fresh beef.
43. Can tenderized beef be included in a special diet? (V-207)
43. Can tenderized beef be included in a special diet? Yes, it can be included in any special diet that calls for beef.
44. The date on a package of fresh meat may be the date the _______ or it may be the last date _________. Ask the meat manager the meaning of the date used in your market. (V-208)
44. The date on a package of fresh meat may be the date the _______ or it may be the last date _________. Ask the meat manager the meaning of the date used in your market. Meat was wrapped freshness is guaranteed
45. Is meat product dating a federal requirement? (V-209)
45. Is meat product dating a federal requirement? Product dating is not a Federal requirement.
46. Companies or stores may voluntarily affix several types of dates: (4). (V-209)
46. Companies or stores may voluntarily affix several types of dates: (4) sell-by best-if-used-by use-by pull
47. A _____ date is the date by which the meat should be sold so that the consumer will have a will have a reasonable time to use it after purchase. (V-209)
47. A _____ date is the date by which the meat should be sold so that the consumer will have a will have a reasonable time to use it after purchase. Sell-by
48. A ________ date tells the consumer the date by which it should be used for the best taste and texture. (V-209)
48. A ________ date tells the consumer the date by which it should be used for the best taste and texture. Best-if-used-by
49. A _______ date tells when the product should be used to be safe. (V-209)
49. A _______ date tells when the product should be used to be safe. Use-by
50. A ____ tells the retailer when the product should be removed from the store display. (V-209)
50. A ____ tells the retailer when the product should be removed from the store display. Pull-date
51. While product dating is helpful, they are reliable only if the food has been ____________. (V-209)
51. While product dating is helpful, they are reliable only if the food has been ____________. Kept at the proper temperature during storage and handling.
52. Is it legal to sell a product after the sell-by date or put a new date over the original one? (V-210)
52. Is it legal to sell a product after the sell-by date or put a new date over the original one? Since product dating is not required by law, it is legal. The requirement is that food be safe when sold. It’s the stores responsibility to know how they’ve handled food to ensure this.
53.The _____ is the weight of the food without the packages materials? (V-211)
53.The _____ is the weight of the food without the packages materials? net
54. The net weight is the weight of the food without the ___________? (V-211)
54. The net weight is the weight of the food without the ___________? Packaging materials
55. Federal regulations allow some variations in weights of meats since __________________? (V-211)
55. Federal regulations allow some variations in weights of meats since __________________? Varying amounts of moisture are lost during processing and shipping.