The Son of Man is just “a man” The Son of Man is suffering and vulnerable The Son of Man is a humble servant of all The Son of Man has God’s authority & power (2 quotes) Write the headings and match the evidence for each heading. d. Jesus used it himself 14 times in Mark’s gospel usually to mean “ordinary person” or just “I” e. At Caesarea Philippi: “ The Son of Man must suffer, be rejected by the scribes and elders, be put to death and after 3 days rise again. ” b. “The Son of Man came to serve, not to be served, and to give his life as a ransom for all”. c. Cure of paralysed man “The Son of Man has authority to forgive sins” a. At his trial to answer the High Priest (“Are you the Christ?”): “I am. And you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of God, and coming on the clouds of heaven”
Son of God The nation of Israel. is the “Son of God” because they are the chosen race, intimate with God, to whom the word of God has been revealed. The Kings of Israel are “Sons of God” in a special way, because of their responsibility to rule the people in God’s way. At their coronation, they were declared to be God’s adopted sons. Individual faithful Jews are “Sons of God” because they are the true people of God, following God’s law. The Roman Emperors were believed by Romans to be adopted as sons by the gods, and were worshipped as a “Divine Emperor” – they had to show their “divine” status by bestowing favours and graces on their people. 1.Write out who was considered to be a “Son of God” 2.Which of the 4 meanings of “Son of God” do you think the Centurion meant when he saw Jesus die on the cross? Mk 15:39 **In what way did Jesus see himself as Son of God? How is it similar to/ different from any of these? (detailed answer)
Jesus unique as Son of God Jesus did not call himself Son of God For Mark, Jesus is not an “adopted” son, or just a “faithful Jew”. Jesus really is God-like by nature, shown by what he can do: – Jesus is eternal, like God, and always existed. – He is able to forgive sins (paralysed man), – give life back from death (Jairus’ daughter), – heal (lepers healed, soldier’s ear repaired) – he has God’s glory (Transfiguration). Calling Jesus the “Son of God” is a faith statement that recognises that Jesus has a unique relationship with God. Caiaphas, the High Priest asks Jesus at his trial if he is the “Son of the Blessed One” Mk 14:61. He clearly does not think this is true! 1.Explain how Jesus is God- like in himself. 2.Write out what Caiaphas asks Jesus at his trial, and what Jesus replies. (Mk 14:61) 3.Look up & write out 2 other quotes where Jesus is identified as the Son of God. Briefly give the context. eg at the beginning of Mark’s gospel, Mark calls Jesus the son of God “….” **Read what p.91 about “The baptism of Jesus”. In what sense is Jesus described as unique? When does Jesus get called the “Son of God”? a.Introduction to the gospel Mk 1:1 b.Baptism Mk 1:11. c.Demons coming out of possessed people Mk 3:11 d.The Transfiguration Mk 9:7
HW 1.Summarise the story of the Paralysed Man (Mk 2:1-12) in your books. Include in full what Jesus says to the scribes. 2.Revise baptism and transfiguration. Be able to describe in detail, and explain importance.
Is “Son of God” the best title for Christians to use about Jesus? Not vague (like Son of Man) Not a political title (like Messiah/ warrior-king) Not cultural (like Son of David). You don’t have to be Jewish to understand its meaning. Shows Jesus’ closeness to God Shows Jesus is unique “My beloved/ only Son” Shows Jesus is powerful, with God’s power Offputting – makes Jesus a bit scary, too god-like? Universal: everyone can understand “son of God”
Which title for Jesus is the best for Christians to use? Show that you have considered another point of view in your answer. 6marks
What does the story of Feeding 5000 tell us about Jesus? Explain to your partner. The Miracle of feeding the 5000 shows… Jesus the teacher Jesus is the Son of God Jesus is the New Moses Jesus is the Messiah Symbol of the Eucharist The Messianic Banquet
Present a case for your title giving the best insight into the Person of Jesus. Discuss the title Discuss what it could mean for modern Christians Put together your presentation Son of God Christ/ Messiah (Anointed “supernatural” warrior-king aka Son of David) Son of Man