??? QUESTIONS TO ASK ??? 1. Whom do you say that Jesus is ? 2. Is Jesus a man ? 3. Is Jesus a Spirit ? 4. Was Jesus a prophet ? 5. Was Jesus a teacher.


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Presentation transcript:

??? QUESTIONS TO ASK ??? 1. Whom do you say that Jesus is ? 2. Is Jesus a man ? 3. Is Jesus a Spirit ? 4. Was Jesus a prophet ? 5. Was Jesus a teacher ?

 The term “SON OF GOD” is mentioned one (1) time in the Old Testament (Dan. 3:25)* & approximately forty-six (46) times in the New Testament (Matt. 8:29; 14:33; 16:16-17; Mark 1:1; 14:61; Luke 1:35; 4:41; John 5:25; 10:36; 11:4; Gal. 2:20; Heb. 4:14; 1 John 4:15; 1 John 5:20)

“SON OF GOD” in Daniel 3:25 - Is more likely referring to an angel rather than a pre-incarnate manifestation of Jesus Christ because the O.T. persons sometimes referred to angels as sons of God.(Dan. 3:28; Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7)

 What does it mean when Jesus is called the “SON OF GOD?”  It denotes the role & position Jesus assumes in the Godhead.  It is the identity of essence which constitutes him to not just be God- like but actually be God as well.

 Jesus is the Son of God possessing the same essence as his Father  Jesus is the Son of God from eternity while others become sons in time.  Jesus is the Son of God by nature while others became sons by adoption & grace.

 Jesus is the “ONLY BEGOTTEN” Son of God (John 1:14; 3:16; 1John 4:9)  The term indicates the uniqueness of Jesus’ sonship  Jesus is one-of-a-kind or the special one.

 By his Father (Hebrews 1:5-8)  By John (John 1:1-3,14; 1 John 5:20)  By Thomas (John 20:28)  By Stephen (Acts 7:59)  By Paul (Titus 2:13; 1 Tim 3:16; Col. 1:15-17; 2:9-10)  By Jude (vs. 25)

 By John & others in Revelation: - Chapter 19:1-7, Chapter 21:3-7,  By Isaiah (Isaiah 9:6)  By an angel (Matthew 1:21-23)

 The Father gives the Son honor & bids us to do the same: - The honorable Judge (John 5:22-23) - God is our judge: the judge is Jesus! (Romans 2:16; Psalm 50:1-7; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Revelation 20:11-12)

 The Bible acknowledges worship as being due to God, or to deity ALONE (Matthew 4:10)  Whenever attempts were made to worship those other than God; such worship was forbidden by… …Angels (Revelation 19:10; 22:8-9) …Peter (Acts 10:25-26)

 …worship was forbidden by… …Paul & Barnabas (Acts 14:11-14) What happens when we accept worship? ASK HEROD! (12:21-23) What happens when we accept worship? ASK HEROD! (12:21-23) Jesus accepted worship. This would be sacrilegious if He were not God. He would have no right to take God’s place of worship. Jesus accepted worship. This would be sacrilegious if He were not God. He would have no right to take God’s place of worship.

 By the angels (Hebrews 1:6)  By the wise men (Matthew 2:2,11)  By a leper (Matthew 8:2)  By a ruler (Matthew 9:18)  By a Canaanite woman (Matt. 15:25)  By a mother (Matthew 20:20)  By demons/maniac (Mark 5:1-7)

 By a blind man (John 9:38)  By disciples (Matt.14:33; 28:9)  By every person one day! (Phil. 2:10)

 He has all power of the Godhead (Col. 1:19; 2:9; Matt. 28:18)  He is the savior (Matt 1:21-23; 18:11; John 10:28, Acts 4:12)  He has the right to forgive sins (Luke 5:20-26; 7:47-49)  He is the creator (John 1:3,10; 1Cor. 8:6; Col. 1:15-17, Eph. 3:9; Heb. 1:2)

 He can read minds (Matt. 12:24-25; Luke 9:46-47)  He is omniscient (John 1:47-48; 2:24- 25; 4:17-18; 6:70; 16:29-30; 18:4-6)  He is omnipresent (Matt. 18:20; 28:20; Eph 1:23)  He is pre/self-existent (John 5:26; 8:57-58; 10:17-18; 17:2-5)

 Jesus is identified with God (Father) (Matt. 28:19; John 10:30)  Jesus is glorified as God (Rom. 16:27 [Jude vs. 25]; Phil. 4:19; 1 Thess. 5:18; 1 Peter 5:10-11; 2 Peter 3:18; 1 John 2:21-24) (Rom. 16:27 [Jude vs. 25]; Phil. 4:19; 1 Thess. 5:18; 1 Peter 5:10-11; 2 Peter 3:18; 1 John 2:21-24)CONCLUSION “1 John 5:20”