Howard County 800 MHz Radio Communication System Motorola Astro 3.0 and Microwave Networks with P25 info
800 MHz Trunking System System has 15 Frequencies/Channels With 2500 users that operate at any given time. Public Safety ability to talk with surrounding Counties/Cities Schools system (High, Middle and Elementary) ability to talk to 911 Shelter in Place program( Notify of weather/building and emergency situations) As June-October 2015… Core is being replace to P25 7X Motorola system.
Radio Users Exec Office DPW (Director's office, Construction, ENG, ENV, FAC, Hwys, Survey, Utilities) OEM Citizen Services Corrections DFRS DILP DTCS (Radio, Data, Telcom) Fleet HCCC (Director-Security) HCPSS (Director-Security, Schools) Health Housing Howard Transit HT CMRT Police Rec/Parks Risk Mgmt Sheriff
800 MHz Trunking Sites Radio system has 10 Sites: -District Court (Main) (State) -Alpha Ridge -Cooksville -Penn Shop (FAA) -Dayton (State) -Howard County General Hospital (State) -Howard High -Timbers of Troy -Water Treatment Plant -Scaggsville Water Tank *Elkridge Conventional for Police and Fire for dead area (Route 1 and Interstate 895)
Communications end users Fire Department – Mainly XTS-5000 with a mix of APX-6000 XE. All mobile radios are APX-6500 secure. Police Department – Mainly XTS-5000 with Tactical (TAC MED)APX-6000 (All secure). With a mix bag of Spectra Plus and APX-6500 mobiles Command vehicles all Mobiles APX-6500 mobiles and combination of APX and XTS portables Helicopter – 2 each APX 6500 mobile radios (All Secure) Tech staff all APX products All inter-county users XTS-1500, 2500, 5000 with APX-1000,4000 and 6000 All 911 radio consoles being replaced with MCC7500 IP Consoles MotoBridge with APX and MotoTRBO (UHF/VHF) MTU (Mobile Tower Unit) 50’ mast. VHF Repeater with 150 vertex VHF radios with 2 APX 6500 and UHF/VHF MotoTRBO mobile. Also patching. And all RADIO SITES have fiber installed for future P25