1 The basic plan Units are on the DISP (Dispatch) TG when not assigned to an incident. Stations monitor the DISP TG. When dispatched on an incident units.


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Presentation transcript:

1 The basic plan Units are on the DISP (Dispatch) TG when not assigned to an incident. Stations monitor the DISP TG. When dispatched on an incident units will normally be assigned to the (OPS) Operation’s TG unless assigned to an INC (Incident) TG by ECC. When clearing an incident units automatically switch back to the DISP TG to await their next incident. Template Overview

2 The incident plan Template Overview Complex incidents will get assigned to an INC TG block at the time of dispatch. A block of three INC TGs is available to the Incident Commander to be used at his or her discretion. –ECC will only monitor the first TG in the incident block - INC*0 unless specific arrangements are otherwise made with ECC. –The IC is responsible for monitoring the other TGs assigned. The ANN*0 (Announce) TG will broadcast on all TGs within the block for communicating with everyone simultaneously.

3 The expanded incident plan The additional INC TG sets function in the same way. For a very complex (towering inferno) incident multiple sets of incident TGs can be assigned to the incident. The FDTA (Fire Department Talk-around) TG is a simplex channel for use when the trunked radio system is out of range. –This channel cannot be heard by ECC. –The ICs will have scanners to monitor FDTA. The OPS TG is repeated in the last position on the TG dial so that it is easy to reach help - either end of the dial. Template Overview

4 The EMS zone plan Zones are changed by using the softkeys on the front of the radio –Changing zones changes the mode selector over to a new set of TGs. The EMS zone repeats the same DISP and OPS TGs that are in the Main zone. The CALL TG functions just like the Call channel (Call 2-channel 40) on the State EMS radios for contacting EMRC. After contacting EMRC a CNSLT (Consult) TG will be assigned by EMRC. Template Overview

5 The expanded EMS & incident plan The Main and EMS zones are the same except for position C to F in the EMS zone. –EMS units can remain in their zone for major incidents assigned to either to 20 or 30 series of INC TGs. –The 10 Series of INC TGs should primarily be assigned to incidents that don’t have EMS units assigned to minimize the need to change zones. Position F is blank for possible future expansion of the CNSLT TGs. Background fill colors are used to show where TGs or sets of TGs are repeated within and across zones. Template Overview

6 The overall incident & EMS plan The ALT (Alternate) zone is a second zone of available INC TGs (3 sets of 3) in case there are multiple complex incidents concurrently. The ALT zone will normally be disabled in the system until needed for active incidents. –Blue text indicates a zone or TG is normally disabled in the system. Template Overview

7 How to talk directly to the hospitals The Hosp (Hospital) zone is for direct communications with the hospitals. The HOSP TG is a shared TG that all of the Hospitals have in their radios in addition to their own TG and the HANNC TG. The HANNC (Hospital Announce) TG allows communications with all IN-COUNTY hospitals simultaneously. All Hospitals listed after the HANNC TG are out of the County so the radio must be in coverage of the respective system. Note: When switched to an out-of-County TG the radio is not ‘visible’ to the County system. Template Overview

8 The overall plan with the Hospital zone The HOSP zone is located adjacent to the EMS zone so that EMS units wishing to use the zone only have to move down one zone. Template Overview

9 The major incident zone The Maj Inc (Major Incident) zone is intended to be used on major incidents that involve numerous agencies and senior County leadership. This zone would normally be used by senior County managers to coordinate multiple County, State, and Federal resources. 11L CONF is an encrypted TG that is only available in encryption capable radios. This zone will normally be disabled in the system unless required for a major incident. Template Overview

10 The overall plan with the major incident zone These are the Operational TGs that will be used on the County’s radio system within Fire/Rescue. Template Overview

11 The intra-county coordination zone The Coord (Coordination) zone is used for intra-county coordination between agencies. The 911 TG is in all non-law enforcement radios in the system and is monitored by a Police ECC Supervisor. –Any non-public safety radio that has its emergency button activated is changed over to the 911 TG. –We can access this TG to coordinate response. The PS (Public Safety) TGs are available to all public safety users (Fire/Rescue, Police, Sheriff, & Corrections) in the County. MCDIR (Mont. County Direct) are simplex county-wide talk- around channels for use when the trunked system is out of range. Template Overview

12 The overall plan with the intra-county zone The Fed (Federal) TG is used for coordinating with in-county Federal agencies (NIST, NIH, etc.) The LG EMG (Local Government Emergency) TGs are available in all County radios for inter-agency coordination with non-public safety users (snow plows, sand trucks, etc.) The SEV (Special Event) TGs are available in all County users for coordination on special events. (Kemper, Fair, etc.) –These TGs will normally be disabled in the system until required for a special event. Template Overview

13 The generic mutual aid zone The COG (Council of Governments) zone has simplex channels available for inter-county responses. –These channels function in a manner similar to the current FMARs channel. The COG channels are available with the COG jurisdictions The ICALL channel is an international mutual calling channel that everyone is theoretically monitoring in the future. The ITAC channels are international tactical channels that can be assigned for incident coordination theoretically. Template Overview

14 The overall plan with the generic mutual aid zone Template Overview This depicts the TGs and channels that are available for operations within the County.

15 The admin & police monitoring zones The Admin (Administrative) zone contain miscellaneous administrative and training TGs. The TGs in green text are encrypted and can only be monitored or used by radios that have encryption enabled and have been assigned the proper key. The PD Mon (Police Dept. Monitor) zone allows users to monitor (red text) the primary dispatch TGs of County and Municipal law enforcement agencies. The HLPDK (Help Desk) TG directly communicates with computer support for the mobile data system. The RADSH (Radio Shop) TG directly communicates with the County radio shop. Template Overview

16 The overall Montgomery County plan This screen shows all the TGs and channels available on the County system. TGs will be referred to by their zone and TG letter not by their label with the exception of DISP and OPS. –INC10 will be called 7C –This will help to insure that units switch to the proper talkgroup when assigned –This is of particular importance for mutual aid units unfamiliar with our template and vise versa. Template Overview

17 Specific mutual aid agencies The agencies listed here, with exception of PG County, all have Motorola radio systems that our radios can talk to directly. –To talk to PG County we are using a combination of their conventional frequencies and reusing some old Police frequencies patched into our 800 MHz system. –This will allow communication with PG units on both sides of the border as needed for several miles in each direction. All of these TGs are programmed into each of our portable radios allowing direct interoperability with the agencies listed. Template Overview

18 The complete Fire/Rescue Template This screen shows the entire Fire/Rescue Template. Secret decoder rings are available for a nominal fee at the door. Template Overview

19 The North W4 Mobile Template The North W4 Mobile Template contains the following counties: –Howard, Frederick, and Carroll Template Overview

20 The South W4 Mobile Template The South W4 Mobile Template contains the following jurisdictions: –DC and Fairfax Template Overview

21 Questions? Comments? Template Overview