1 Orientation for Host Families District xxxx
District xxxx Host Family Orientation2 Introduction l Welcome l Our goal – Making World A Better Place l Thank you for your participation !!!
District xxxx Host Family Orientation3 Hosting Rotary Clubs
District xxxx Host Family Orientation4 Hosting Rotary Clubs
District xxxx Host Family Orientation5 District xxxx Organization
District xxxx Host Family Orientation6 What You Will Learn Today l Closeness of new friends (family of Rotary) l Rotary expectations l Helpful ideas for you l Calendar of activities
District xxxx Host Family Orientation7 CHALLENGES FOR THE ROTARY EXCHANGE STUDENT ARE MANY Host Rotary Club Host Families Exchange Student / Rotary Counselor Your Community School Friends in High School Host Rotary District
District xxxx Host Family Orientation8 Rotary Support Structure l Rotary Club l Rotary Youth Exchange Committee l Rotary Counselor
District xxxx Host Family Orientation9 Counselor Responsibilities l Maintain contact with student and family –Show continued interest & support –Resolve problems before problems get big l Register student at school l Ensure that student receives monthly allowance l Keep club YE committee informed l get Rotary club membership involved
District xxxx Host Family Orientation10 Items Rotary Counselor Must Hold for Student l Paid for return airline ticket l Emergency fund ($350) deposited in a bank l Passport and DS-2019
District xxxx Host Family Orientation11 Student Challenges 1. Adapting to host families and new culture 2. Doing well in school 3. Homesickness & making close friends 4. Speaking English 5. Following the rules of Rotary 6. Getting involved in Rotary club and community
District xxxx Host Family Orientation12 1. Host Family Expectations l Treat student as member of the family l Delegate daily responsibilities for the home l Assist student in finding right friends l Be prepared to say No when appropriate l Ensure students dress & present themselves appropriately
District xxxx Host Family Orientation13 1. Sample Family Rules l Be on time l Curfew l Do school homework l No telephone after certain hour l Help with chores (cleaning dishes, mowing lawn, etc.) See list of questions to ask on yeoresources.org
District xxxx Host Family Orientation14 1. Use of Telephone l Explain how it works; set rules for use l Limit calls to country (family, friends) –Helps them to overcome homesickness l Ensure no phone bills ($100, $500, $1,000) l Telephone calling card for student calling home –buy at Wal-Mart (ATT International Card)
District xxxx Host Family Orientation15 1. Use of Family Computer l Do not let student spend too much time on computer l Limit or prohibit downloading information l Explain no visits to pornography sites, etc. l Limit the use of AOL Instant Messenger or MSN or other IM programs l Ensure not too many s to family and friends back home –Makes adapting to our culture more difficult
District xxxx Host Family Orientation16 2. Expectations at School l Ensure clear understanding of school credits while they are here (often answer is None) l Usually not allowed to graduate l Remind them to say thank you to school teachers l Write letter introducing student & RYE to teachers) l Ensure regular class attendance and proper attention to work l Assure school missed work will be completed –Rotary will take students out of school at times –They are expected to make up work
District xxxx Host Family Orientation17 2. Varsity Sports at School l Students who have already graduated cannot play on Varsity team –May be able play on Junior Varsity (JV) l Participation in varsity athletics requires approval from state (and may cost $$) –School has paperwork –Student is expected to pay own costs for sports
District xxxx Host Family Orientation18 3. Making Close Friends l A major challenge to YE students l Help in finding clubs for student to join –Interact (in many of the schools) –Sports –Theater –Band, orchestra l Active participation is good cure for homesickness
District xxxx Host Family Orientation19 3. Limit Visits with Other Exchange Students l Rotary provides many opportunities for exchange students to get together l Their initiative -- to make American friends l Limit birthday party invitations to American students and exchange students close by –Transportation can be difficult –Can cause family frustration
District xxxx Host Family Orientation20 4. Speaking English l Sometimes students speak own language –Considered quite rude –Forces others away from you l This can be major problem l Ensure students actively work to improve –Good computer programs available –Dont be afraid to correct students English
District xxxx Host Family Orientation21 5. Serious Rules of Rotary l No drinking l No driving –including no drivers education class l No serious dating l Obeying the law –No smoking –No drugs –No shoplifting, etc.
District xxxx Host Family Orientation22 5. Problem Solving l Some problems will occur l Student should ask for help, in this order –Host family –Club counselor –Club youth exchange officer –District Youth exchange committee l Host families must not let small problems become big problems. Ask for help. –Club counselor –Club Youth Exchange officer –District Youth Exchange Committee
District xxxx Host Family Orientation23 6. Student Protection Guidelines l What to do if your exchange student tells you of Harassment and/or Abuse –Listen attentively & let him/her know it was right to tell you –Assure him/her that they are not to blame –Remain calm and make sure student feels safe –Encourage student to share with you what happened and who was involved –Make detailed notes including date & time –Dont promise to keep secrets & explain the necessity of informing the District Chair
District xxxx Host Family Orientation24 6. Student Protection Guidelines l Keep Communications Open –Assure student that you can jointly address his/her concerns/problem l Report the Case to the District Chair and the Club Counselor Immediately l Dont Investigate –Leave this to the proper authorities l Support the Student Emotionally
District xxxx Host Family Orientation25 6. Student Protection Guidelines l District xxxx has two non-Rotarian Counselors –Male Counselor l Home phone: l Office phone: –Female Counselor l Home phone: l Office phone:
District xxxx Host Family Orientation26 7. Student Getting Involved l Active involvement in Rotary and community essential to be good ambassador –Rotary meetings –Orientations for American students –Programs to Rotary clubs –Programs to schools and clubs l Help student to say yes and to be proud to be ambassador for their country and Rotary
District xxxx Host Family Orientation27 7. Activities l Sharing family activities (even if not favorite thing to do) l Rotary Club –Meetings and socials –Fund Raisers –Other activities l District (see follow-up slides)
District xxxx Host Family Orientation28 7. Rotary District Activities l YE Orientation (mandatory) l l District Conference (mandatory) l
District xxxx Host Family Orientation29 Students Role as Ambassador l Students portray their whole country –By their attitude –By their decisions –By their appearance –By their willingness to do for others l Students make a difference; so much depends on their desire to be ambassador l Reminders from counselor and host family needed
District xxxx Host Family Orientation30 One Last Request l Students Name, Address &Telephone # must be kept current in US SEVIS database l Please inform [Inbound Chair] when student moves families and provide the needed information including host family
District xxxx Host Family Orientation31 Summary l THANK YOU !!!!!!!! –We have a great year planned –Program will not work without dedicated counselors and host families –We are more than eager to help
District xxxx Host Family Orientation32 Where to get more information l District committee – - District Chair l Phone: l – - Outbound Chair l Phone: l –- Short Term Chair l Phone: l l Ohio Erie website –