Starter 2-4-2015 What are the positive impacts of this invention? How has this invention impacted people in a negative way? Has it made the world a "smaller" place in any way? Explain your answer.
Over the past 20 years we have been involved in a technological revolution. What we have seen in the last few years was unimaginable when our grandparents were young, and has changed the way the world communicates and does business. Can you think of another time period when inventions changed the world dramatically in a short time?
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Without the Industrial Revolution (1760-1840’s), many of the conveniences of today might not have come along so quickly. The Industrial Revolution spread throughout the world but it all began in England. We will learn what caused this revolution to take place. The theme of the Industrial Revolution is competition and necessity.
Was there an Industrial Revolution? 1750–1900 1 of 26
#1 The Domestic System Before 1750, industries, such as the textile industry, were very small. In most cases, the thread or cloth was produced in people’s homes or small workshops. The manufacturer would deliver the raw materials and the whole family, including the children, would make the goods in their cottage using hand- or water-powered spinning wheels or looms. 2 of 26
#2 The manufacturer would then collect the finished product in return for a payment to the head of the family. This type of industry is called the Domestic System. Think! What were the advantages of the Domestic System for workers? What were the disadvantages for the manufacturer? 3 of 26
# 3 Why did the Domestic System have to change? The Domestic System could only produce goods in small quantities. As manufacture was by hand, with items being made individually, it was a slow process. With the rapidly growing population of this period, the Domestic System just would not have been able to produce the amount of goods required. Some manufacturers recognized the need to speed up production, and invented new machinery which could do the work of several people. As the next slide shows, this did not happen overnight, but was a long process which began before 1750. 4 of 26
#4 The Factory System From about 1750 there was a major change in the way some goods were made. Instead of people working small hand-powered machines in their homes, new factories were set up with rows of large machines. Workers would leave their homes each day to work in the factory, in return for a weekly wage. 5 of 26
Some factories were huge Some factories were huge. This cotton mill, built in 1850 by Sir Titus Salt just outside Bradford, was one of the largest of its time. 6 of 26
#5 The larger machines in one location meant that goods could be produced in huge quantities at more affordable prices. A machine operated by one worker in a factory could do the work of several families at home. To begin with, many of the machines were powered by water wheels, but by the beginning of the 19th century many used steam power. The Domestic System still continued alongside the Factory System for a time, but it became more and more difficult to compete against mass production. 7 of 26
1) Think of one advantage and one disadvantage of the Factory System for the workers. 2) What major improvement was there for the manufacturer in the Factory System? 8 of 26
#6 Why was there an Industrial Revolution? There are many reasons why industry changed: Invention of steam power Invention of new machines Increased population Development of new transport systems Development of the British Empire. 9 of 26
# 6a) The invention of the steam engine Steam-powered machines in the iron industry, such as the steam hammer, could shape huge pieces of iron for making machines, girders, ships or railway tracks. A steam engine 10 of 26
#6b Steam pumps could now pump water out of mines, allowing deeper mines to be dug. More coal was produced which was needed, in turn, to fuel the steam engines. Many factory machines were steam-powered. Steam engines powered trains and ships. These could carry much larger quantities of raw materials and finished goods across Britain and the world, and in a faster time. Don’t forget that industries were already changing before the invention of the steam engine. 11 of 26
#6c) Invention of new machines This was a period of invention. Many new machines were designed to speed up production. In the 18th century these were powered by hand or water, but the steam-powered machines of the next century were altogether more powerful, faster and more precise. Now mass production was possible. 12 of 26
Watch the next two slides carefully #6d) Increased population The growing population and the migration of people from the countryside to the industrial towns provided a huge workforce for new industries. Without this the factories could not have succeeded. The increased population also resulted in many more people needing and buying goods. There was, therefore, a huge demand for these new mass-produced goods. Watch the next two slides carefully 13 of 26
#6e) How the British workforce was occupied 1801 to 1871. No. of people in millions 14 of 26
#6F How the workforce changed: Occupations in 1801 Occupations in 1871 15 of 26
#6G) New transport systems As the industry started changing, new transport systems developed alongside. In the mid-18th century the first canals were built to transport raw materials to the factories and to take finished goods to markets. Following the invention of the steam engine, the railways and steam ships transformed the transportation of both raw materials and mass-produced goods. Costs were reduced and time was saved. 16 of 26
Think! #6H) Development of the British Empire During the 18th and 19th centuries, Britain gained control of more and more territories or colonies. This empire helped the revolution of industry by providing the raw materials that were necessary. It also provided new markets in which to sell Britain’s manufactured goods. Think! What problems would the British industry have had without an empire? 17 of 26
Keywords 18 of 26