PG Funding and Management Strategies Overview 3rd meeting Thursday, 22 February 2007 Paris La Défense
Projects M1: To analyse public private partnership (PPP) for roads and road transport administration M1: To analyse public private partnership (PPP) for roads and road transport administration M4: Show the effect of road pricing on socio-economy M4: Show the effect of road pricing on socio-economy M6: Show how best to access EU financial support and explore the financial procurement M6: Show how best to access EU financial support and explore the financial procurement M7: Develop a best practice guide for the cost manangement for long-term investment M7: Develop a best practice guide for the cost manangement for long-term investment
M1: To analyse PPP for roads and road transport administration Goals: The objective of this work shall be to show that PPP is a global, long-term approach that seeks to boost performance. When used in conjunction with a toll collection system, PPP allows additional funding to be raised. Finally, PPP is sometimes used for ‘cosmetic’ reasons (e.g. the Maastricht criteria). Goals: The objective of this work shall be to show that PPP is a global, long-term approach that seeks to boost performance. When used in conjunction with a toll collection system, PPP allows additional funding to be raised. Finally, PPP is sometimes used for ‘cosmetic’ reasons (e.g. the Maastricht criteria). Strategy: The project group for this task shall: Strategy: The project group for this task shall: –assess the various existing types of PPP and describe their structure and implementation. The purpose of this assessment is to provide an overview of the defining characteristics of this concept in order to come up with a classification system; –analyse existing national and European legislation in order to assess its appropriateness with regard to the objectives of PPP and the way it works. Expected output: A summary report shall be drafted. This report shall: Expected output: A summary report shall be drafted. This report shall: –list best PPP practice with a special focus on the road sector; –analyse the main mistakes made in this sector in order to learn useful lessons; –analyse the question of balance between partnership and competition raised by the creation of a PPP Time schedule: The project group will be established in autumn 2005 and will present an analysis in early Time schedule: The project group will be established in autumn 2005 and will present an analysis in early 2007.
M1: What has been done so far? On the first meeting 8th February 2006: we decided to send a questionnaire (in cooperation with PIARC group) to CEDR members countries. On the first meeting 8th February 2006: we decided to send a questionnaire (in cooperation with PIARC group) to CEDR members countries. 15th March 2006: questionnaire was sent out to CEDR members countries. 15th March 2006: questionnaire was sent out to CEDR members countries. On the second meeting 10th October 2006: 14 questionnaires had been filled out by CEDR’s countries and 2 other questionnaires have been added to these 14 countries since then. (plus 7 questionnaires from other countries than CEDRs members countries). On the second meeting 10th October 2006: 14 questionnaires had been filled out by CEDR’s countries and 2 other questionnaires have been added to these 14 countries since then. (plus 7 questionnaires from other countries than CEDRs members countries). On the second meeting 10th October 2006: Wim Leendertse has been chosen project leader. On the second meeting 10th October 2006: Wim Leendertse has been chosen project leader.
M1: What has been done so far? On the second meeting 10th October 2006: we decided following action plan: On the second meeting 10th October 2006: we decided following action plan: –Benchmarks out of the answers of the questionnaires (Nov 2006) - Wim Leendertse will introduce the result on the 3rd meeting. –Reference reports on PPP (Oct 2006) – Bernd Quakernack. –Analyse own experience (Nov 2006) - Wim Leendertse will suggest an action plan for the analyses on the 3rd meeting –Structure of report (Nov 2006) – Bernd Quakernack, Sophie Pochard, Wim Leendertse. –Write the report (Feb 2007) – Kristín H. Sigurbjörnsdóttir will introduce the CEDR’s report structure and suggest action plan for writing the PPP report on the 3rd meeting.
M4: Show the effect of road pricing on socio-economy Goals: The objective of this work shall be to show that road pricing is only one tool at the disposal of public authorities and that it must be part of a global strategy that makes use of other means such as a user activities and regulations. Finally, the objective of road pricing must be defined (e.g. to cover costs, orientation, etc.) because these objectives can be contradictory. Goals: The objective of this work shall be to show that road pricing is only one tool at the disposal of public authorities and that it must be part of a global strategy that makes use of other means such as a user activities and regulations. Finally, the objective of road pricing must be defined (e.g. to cover costs, orientation, etc.) because these objectives can be contradictory. Strategy: The project group for this task shall: Strategy: The project group for this task shall: –analyse the nature of the toll systems applied: e.g. tax-based or concession-based, and their compatibility with existing community legislation; –identify and examine existing studies on the impact of road pricing and proceed, if necessary, to a more targeted, in-depth examination with a view to drawing useful conclusions. Expected output Expected output –An inventory of existing or planned road pricing systems in the Member States of CEDR. –A clear overview of the existing situation. Time Schedule: The project group will be established in autumn 2005 and will present an analysis in early Time Schedule: The project group will be established in autumn 2005 and will present an analysis in early 2007.
M4: What has been done so far? On the second meeting 10th October 2006: Laurent Donato has been chosen project leader. On the second meeting 10th October 2006: Laurent Donato has been chosen project leader. On the second meeting 10th October 2006: we decided following action plan: On the second meeting 10th October 2006: we decided following action plan: –Status of work by PIARC (Jan 2007) – Laurent Donato had sent to the group members main conclusions from PIARC seminar on road pricing which has been held in Cancun in April –Road pricing in one’s own country (Jan 2007) – Laurent Donato had sent to the group members some key questions about the road pricing practice. He only has got answers from 6 members so far (Belgium, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Lithuania, Netherlands). Laurent will introduce the results on the 3rd meeting.
M6: Show how best to access EU financial support and explore the financial procurement Goals: The objective of this work shall be to examine the implementation of a financial procurement strategy that combines the various sources of possible funding (EU, national budget, private sector etc.) and to identify as far as possible any potential obstacles that could obstruct the creation of such a strategy. Goals: The objective of this work shall be to examine the implementation of a financial procurement strategy that combines the various sources of possible funding (EU, national budget, private sector etc.) and to identify as far as possible any potential obstacles that could obstruct the creation of such a strategy. Strategy: The project group for this task shall: Strategy: The project group for this task shall: –draft terms of reference with a view to commissioning one or more consultants with the analysis of the possibilities of a financial procurement strategy to increase the efficiency of funding sources and to achieve leverage effects; –analyse and summarise the results produced by the consultants; –monitor changing prospects for community funding for the period with a view to informing the GB on a regular basis; –set up a monitoring system that would inform interested administrations about the deadlines for the submission of funding applications. Expected output Expected output –An inventory of all community funding programmes that could be of interest to NRAs; –a guide containing methodologies and examples of best practice that would allow NRAs to make the most of these opportunities; –a clear overview of the situation and an understanding of the potential involved. Time schedule: Work on this task would begin in late 2006 and would be finished after approximately two years in Time schedule: Work on this task would begin in late 2006 and would be finished after approximately two years in 2009.
M6: What has been done so far? On the second meeting 10th October 2006: Donatas Dudonis has been chosen project leader. On the second meeting 10th October 2006: Donatas Dudonis has been chosen project leader. Short questionnaire was sent out to participants and the project leader has only got a few answers so far. Short questionnaire was sent out to participants and the project leader has only got a few answers so far.
M7: Develop a best practice guide for the cost manangement for long-term investment Goal: The objective of this work shall be to get value for money through efficient comprehensive asset management. Goal: The objective of this work shall be to get value for money through efficient comprehensive asset management. Strategy: The project group for this task shall: define the concept of long-term cost management while distinguishing between the types of cost that must be taken into account and the duration of the life cycle under consideration; Strategy: The project group for this task shall: define the concept of long-term cost management while distinguishing between the types of cost that must be taken into account and the duration of the life cycle under consideration; –examine the influence of the various types of organisation (direct management, delegated management, long-term performance contracts, etc.) on the possibility of optimising the following cycle: initial investment, supplementary investment, major repairs, ongoing maintenance; –determine the conditions for calculating global costs (discount rate, financial restrictions, risks of insufficient maintenance etc.) without forgetting any of the actors involved: public authorities, operators, users, residents, etc. Expected output Expected output –Summary report on the effective management of long-term investments; –Guide to best practices in Europe. Time schedule: Work on this task will begin in The analysis phase will take approximately 6 months to complete. It is estimated that the best practice guide and the final report will be produced by early Time schedule: Work on this task will begin in The analysis phase will take approximately 6 months to complete. It is estimated that the best practice guide and the final report will be produced by early 2009.
M7: What has been done so far? On the second meeting 10th October 2006: Bernd Quakernack has been chosen project leader.