Monte Vista 5th Grade Mrs. Coca, Ms. Haan, Mrs. Garcia Mrs. Pincomb Invention Convention Invention Convention Monte Vista 5th Grade Mrs. Coca, Ms. Haan, Mrs. Garcia Mrs. Pincomb
Objectives Students will design and create their own invention using simple machines Your machine will have practical applications: there will be a good use for your machine You will read about simple machines with the class You will research the internet to learn about simple machines You will take notes about simple machines You will discuss ideas with your classmates You will begin your experiment
Your Science Experiment Your Invention should show an expanded knowledge of simple machines. All work on a project must be done by YOU. Your parents and teachers may advise you and help, but they cannot design or build any part of the invention. Dangerous chemicals, open flames, explosives and poisonous animals may not be exhibited. No projects may deal with or include vertebrate animals, meat, mold fungus, or mushrooms.
Important Dates Inventions should be started the weekend of November 26th (the brainstorming and planning). Your science project is a HOME PROJECT. You are required to bring a completed project to school on the last week of December before Winter Break. We are tentatively planning our invention convention for the morning of Friday last week of December before winter break. We will invite your families and our Monte Vista Wolf Pack friends to our convention to see all of your exhibits.
Steps In the Scientific Method What It Is Asking a Question Asking What, How, When, Where, or Why Making a Hypothesis Making a smart guess about the answer to a question Planning the Investigation Deciding how to gather evidence to answer the question Collecting and Recording Data Gathering and recording information to test the hypothesis Organizing the Data Making graphs and tables to better understand the information that has been gathered Explaining Results Figuring out what the information means Thinking of New Questions Using the information that you gathered to identify new questions Sharing Results Sharing your information with other investigators
Sample Science Experiment Board III. Materials (list what you use) IV. Procedures/Steps (list steps used) I. Title (a question) II. Hypothesis (What do you think will happen?) V. Results (What happened? Graphs, Photos, Charts) VI. Conclusion (answer to your question) (What did you learn?)
Example Invention Display
Presented By: Monte Vista Wolf Pack Fifth Grade 11/21/10 Title: Invention Convention (create your own title, remember it needs to be a QUESTION) Presented By: Monte Vista Wolf Pack Fifth Grade 11/21/10
Hypothesis This is what you THINK will happen: remember this hypothesis may be incorrect, that is part of the scientific method Your statement needs to be an educated assumption, use all you know to make a good and strong hypothesis
Materials This will be a list of what you will need to create your invention List everything that you will need to build and operate your invention You may number your materials or bullet them Everyone will have different materials
Procedures/Steps These will be all the steps you took in creating your invention These steps should be numbered in the correct order (sequence) that you followed when you were building your invention
Results: This will be what actually happened with you invention: how did it work? You can use a graph to show your data that is collected as you work on your invention Make sure that you also add a narrative piece so that your results are clearly understandable
Conclusion What did you learn from creating this invention? What worked very well in this experiment? What would you do differently next time? What is your next question? MAKE SURE THAT YOU ADDRESS EACH OF THESE AREAS IN YOUR CONCLUSION
What your project board should look like… Students, you do not need to use this template unless you want to, it will be posted on our littlewolves wikki site You may create your own power point slides if you would like You may also use clear xerox paper and write your own slides if you wish ONE RULE: MAKE SURE YOUR WORK IS NICE AND NEAT! REMEMBER, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW AND HOW GREAT YOU ARE! HAVE FUN!
Resources to help you…. Go to the Montevista Tech Lab site for websites, this PowerPoint and so much more: