PHYSICS Mr. BALDWIN WAVES 14-Jan-14 AIM: What is periodic or harmonic motion? DO NOW A mass is attached to a spring on a horizontal frictionless surface. The system is then compressed and released. Describe the motion of the mass. A mass is attached to the end of a string (simple pendulum). The mass is slightly pulled from its rest position and released. Describe the motion of the pendulum. What do both systems have in common? HOME WORK: WkSh 19.2: Harmonic Motion Graphs
What is Periodic Motion? What would happen if you slightly displace (push) the mass attached to the spring on a frictionless surface? The mass vibrates or oscillates back and forth over the same path, each cycle taking the same amount of time, the motion is called periodic.
Look at the Compressed spring/Mass system again What type of energy does the system possess when it is compressed? spring potential energy What type of energy does the system possess when it passes through the equilibrium position? kinetic energy What type of energy does the system possess when it is stretched? What is happening to the system in terms of energy? It’s converting between spring potential and kinetic energy
The Simple Pendulum ..\..\WHSAD PHYSICS 2013 2014\pendulum-lab_en.jar
Look at the simple pendulum What type of energy does the system possess when it is at rest? No energy What type of energy does the system possess when it displaced from its equilibrium position? Potential energy What type of energy does the system possess when it is released and passes through its equilibrium position? Kinetic energy What is happening to the system in terms of energy? It’s converting between potential and kinetic energy
Periodic Motion: Compressed Spring/Mass Displacement is measured from the equilibrium point Amplitude (A) is the maximum displacement from the equilibrium point A cycle is a full to-and-fro motion; this figure shows half a cycle Period (T) is the time required to complete one cycle Frequency (f) is the number of cycles completed per second
Property Relations The frequency f is inversely proportional to the period T Unit of frequency is called the Hertz (Hz) 1Hz = 1cycle/s
PHYSICS Mr. BALDWIN WAVES 15-Jan-14 AIM: How can we describe a wave? DO NOW What are some things you know about a wave? Light and heat energy comes to us from the Sun. How does it get here? What is the name and call number of your favorite radio station? Do you know what the call number represents? HOME WORK: WkSh 20.1: Waves
Wave Motion: Wave characteristics A wave is a periodic disturbance that transfers energy from one point to another ex. light, sound, (electromagnetic {E-M} waves) Water waves, sound waves, and light waves are very different from one another in various ways, but all have in common some basic properties: Wavelength Frequency Period Amplitude Wave speed
Wave characteristics Amplitude, A Frequency f and period T Wavelength, l
Wave Properties Wavelength l is the distance between successive points on a wave. Ex. distance between adjacent crests or troughs. Meters (m) The frequency f of waves is the number of waves passing a particular point per second. Hertz (Hz) The period T is the time needed for a one complete wave to pass a given point. Seconds (s) The amplitude A of a wave is the maximum displacement on either side of its normal position of the wave.
CHECK Below is a snap shot of a wave travelling for 1 sec. About how many waves do you see? What is the period and frequency of the wave?
Wave Property Relations The frequency is inversely proportional to the period Hz = 1/s The wave speed is equal to the product between the frequency & wavelength m/s Speed of light (E-M) c = 3.0 x 108 m/s Range of visible light l: 380 - 720 nm.
CHECK What is a nm? 10 -9 m What are the call letters and numbers of your favorite radio station? 107.5WBLS Do you know what the numbers represent? frequency (in MHz) What is a MHz? 10 6 Hz What is the wavelength of such a wave?
PHYSICS Mr. BALDWIN WAVES 23-Jan-14 AIM: How can the speed & type of a wave be determined? DO NOW What do waves transport? What do all waves have in common? What is the frequency of blue light that has a wavelength of 480 nm? HOMEWORK: Worksheet: 20.1 Waves
RECALL: Wave Property Relations The frequency is inversely proportional to the period WAVE EQUATION: The wave speed is equal to the product between the frequency & wavelength Speed of light (E-M) ALTERNATE FORMS
Transverse & Longitudinal Types of Waves: Transverse & Longitudinal The motion of particles in a wave can either be perpendicular to the wave direction (transverse) or parallel to it (longitudinal).
Transverse Waves Transverse waves has propagations in both the horizontal & vertical directions but perpendicular to wave direction ex. Light (E-M) waves
Longitudinal Waves Longitudinal waves have propagation in one direction only (Unidirectional). Particles vibrate parallel to wave direction ex. Sound waves
Sound waves are longitudinal waves: pressure waves (Rarefaction)
PHYSICS Mr. BALDWIN WAVES 7-Feb-14 AIM: How does sound travel? DO NOW How is sound generated (created)? What is an echo? What type of wave is a sound wave? Homework: In your own words, write a short ESSAY on the Doppler Effect (do not plagiarize) & WkShts 20.1 & 21.1
A standing wave is generated by most musical instruments. A standing wave is generated in a pipe closed at one or both ends or on a string bounded on one or both ends. ex. Organ pipe or guitar string A standing wave is generated by most musical instruments. Sound waves require the presence of matter in order to propagate. Light does not.
Antinode: points that undergo maximum displacement Node: points of zero displacement What do you observe about the distance between nodes and antinodes? The distance between two consecutive nodes (or antinodes) in a standing wave is half the wavelength.
Velocity of Sound Most sound are produced by vibrating objects, such as a cone of a loud speaker. Speed of sound depends on temperature CHECK…What is the speed of sound at 200C? Speed of sound at standard temperature & pressure (STP - 200C & 1atm) vsound = 343 m/s
Velocity of Sound Sound waves are described as pressure waves in a solid, liquid or gas Sounds waves are longitudinal waves The molecules in their path moves back and forth in the same direction as that of the wave The velocity of sound also depends on the density of the medium. WHY? The denser the medium the faster it travels. 1500 m/s in water; 5000 m/s in iron
Frequency of Sound Range of Audible Frequency of sound (sound that humans can hear): 20 Hz – 20 kHz. Infrasonic frequency range < 20 Hz Sources includes earthquakes, thunder, volcanoes, heavy machinery Ultrasonic Frequency range > 20 kHz Dogs & Bats hear in this range
PHYSICS Mr. BALDWIN WAVES 5-Feb-14 AIM: How do you know a fire engine is coming towards you? (What is the Doppler Effect?) DO NOW: Describe what you observe as a siren approached you and when it goes away from you. TURN IN Your ESSAY on the Doppler Effect Completed Worksheets 20.1 & 21.1
Velocity of Sound How are sound waves produced? Most sound are produced by vibrating objects, such as a vibrating cone of a loud speaker. Speed of sound depends on temperature (0C) CHECK…What is the speed of sound at 200C? Speed of sound at standard temperature & pressure (STP - 200C & 1atm) vsound = 343 m/s
The Doppler Effect The apparent change in the observed frequency of a wave between a moving source and observer.
It is applicable to any type of wave. Austrian physicist Christian Doppler (1803-1853). train sound clip Simulations physlet animation
Analyze this. If the observer & source is moving apart, vs is positive If the observer & source is moving closer, vs is negative The velocity of sound is about 340 m/s. What are the frequencies observed as a fire engine, with siren blaring at 200Hz and moving at 17 m/s, approaches and then passes you?
DO IT YOURSELF An ambulance is approaching a stationary observer. The siren of the ambulance emits a frequency of 480Hz and the speed of the ambulance is 50km/h(=13.88m/s). What wavelength and frequency will the stationary observer hear when the ambulance is approaching? Assume T=20oC. v of sound=343m/s, v ambulance=13.88m/s a)500Hz b)461Hz
ADVANCE QUESTIONING Determine the wavelengths of the sound waves of the siren as the fire engine approaches and as it leaves. What are some common everyday uses of the Doppler Effect? Doppler Radar (Weather Systems) Red & Blue Shifts (Astronomy) Speed detection (Police radar)
What is the frequency of laser light that has a wavelength of 623nm? A physics student sitting on the beach notices that a wave hits the beach every 5.0 seconds, and the waves seem to be about 15m apart. What is the frequency of the waves? What is the period of the waves? What is the speed of these waves? What is the frequency of laser light that has a wavelength of 623nm?
PHYSICS Mr. BALDWIN WAVES AIM: What are the properties of sound? DO NOW Describe a longitudinal wave. Describe a transverse wave. Homework: Handout
PHYSICS Mr. BALDWIN WAVES 11-Feb-14 AIM: What happens when you exceed the speed of sound? How loud is loud? DO NOW: QUIZ: Handout Homework: Handout
The graph below displays how displacement varies with TIME when a wave passes a fixed point at a speed of 12.0 m/s. How many waves are there? What is the amplitude of the wave? Determine the frequency and wavelength of the wave based on the previous information.
LOUDNESS Noise is measured in units called decibels (dB), on a scale from zero to 140. The higher the number in decibels, the louder the noise. For every 20 dB increase, a sound is twice as loud.
OBSERVE What do you observe about the wave-fronts as the source approaches the speed of sound? http://dev.physicslab. org/asp/applets/doppler/default.asp
The speed of sound What is the speed of sound at STP? The speed of sound in air is 343 meters per second at one atmosphere of pressure and room temperature (20°C). Convert this to mph (1mi=1609m) (760 miles per hour) An object is subsonic when it is moving slower than sound. An object is transonic when it is moving at the speed of sound.
We use the term supersonic to describe motion at speeds faster than the speed of sound. A shock wave forms where the wave fronts pile up. The pressure change across the shock wave is what causes a very loud sound known as a sonic boom.
Mach number The unitless Mach number was named after the Austrian physicist Ernst Mach. The Mach number is ratio of the speed of the aircraft to the speed of sound . An airplane flying at less than Mach 1 is traveling at subsonic speeds; at about Mach 1, or transonic , it is at the speed of sound, and greater than Mach 1 is supersonic . An aircraft traveling at Mach 2 is traveling at twice the
Mach vs. Knot
PHYSICS Mr. BALDWIN WAVES 12-Feb-14 AIM: What is light? What is the electromagnetic (E-M) spectrum? DO NOW: What are the colors of the rainbow? Why are they different? How is it that heat comes to us from the Sun? Homework: Worksheet 24.1 - The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Electromagnetic Waves The electromagnetic spectrum consists of all types of electromagnetic radiation Gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation, millimeter waves, microwaves, and radio waves are all electromagnetic waves that differ only in their frequencies & wavelengths. ALL Electromagnetic waves travel in a vacuum with the same speed of light. (300,000,000 m/s) Write this in scientific notation.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Infrared radiation (IR) created by molecular vibrations Visible light (white light) created by electron excitation Ultraviolet radiation (UV) X-ray radiation created by high energy electron excitation Gamma (γ) radiation created within the atomic nuclei by high energy nuclear processes Ionization Radiation is any radiation that is energetic enough to ionize biological matter. Causes genetic mutation of DNA Penetrate deep into matter As λ decreases, the f increases, and hence the energy E increases
Components of Visible Light White light is polychromatic: Made up of different colors of light RedOrangeYellowGreenBlueIndgoViolet Wavelength Range of visible light l 400 – 700 nm (Nanometer: 1nm = 10–9m Write these values in scientific notation in meters Determine the Frequency Range of visible light f: 4.3 – 7.5 x 1014Hz
PHYSICS Mr. BALDWIN INTERFERENCE of WAVES 26-Feb-14 AIM: How do waves behave when they interact? (What is interference?) DO NOW: Why do we hear beats when different keys on a piano are played at the same time? HOMEWORK: Complete lab
Wave interference Wave interference is the phenomenon which occurs when two waves meet while traveling along in the same medium. The addition or combination of waves is called the principle of superposition
Principle of Superposition These figures below show the sum of two waves. In (a) they add up constructively; in (b) they add up destructively; and in (c) they add partially destructively.
Interference of Waves
The first addition of waves that will be described involves two waves that are in phase. This is referred to as constructive interference. A crest of one wave is positioned with the crest of the other wave. The same can be said for the troughs.
This represents the displacement by the white wave alone. by the green wave alone. Since they are both displacements on the same side of the baseline, What do you think will happen? THEY ADD UP Just repeat this step for several points along the waves.
The next addition of waves that will be described involves two waves that are out of phase. This is referred to as destructive interference.
This represents the displacement by the white wave alone. This represents the displacement by the green wave alone. Since the two displacements are on opposite sides of the baseline, the top one should be considered positive and the bottom one negative. Since they are both displacements on the opposite sides of the baseline, what do you think will happen? THEY CANCEL EACH OTHER.
Finally we observe two waves that are partially in phase Finally we observe two waves that are partially in phase. This is called partial destructive interference. A different method of adding the waves will be demonstrated.
From the baseline measure to the “white” wave From the baseline measure to the “white” wave. Then add this to the “green” wave. See animation. Continuing on with this process gives Note the white arrow would be zero in length here. Zero white arrows added to “green” wave occur at these other locations. So zero added to the “green” wave would give By overlaying the constructive interference curve from a previous slide you can tell that the curve of this slide is not fully constructive interference.
For your experiment today you will be given two waves that are interfering with each other. You will construct the resultant waveform by techniques similar to what you have just seen in this presentation. There are also some calculations that you must complete.
Interference Animation
PHYSICS Mr. BALDWIN GEOMETRIC OPTICS 24-Feb-14 AIM: How does light behave when it is incident on another medium? (What is reflection and refraction?) DO NOW: What do you observe when a pencil or spoon is placed in a clear glass of water? HOME WORK – Worksheets 23.1: The Law of Reflection & 23.2: Refraction BALDWIN 66
Reflection Reflection: the return or change in direction of a wave (light or sound) at the same angle is called reflection Echo is sound reflected Check!…What is the proposed path of the incident light?
Reflection: Law of Reflection Law of reflection: the angle of reflection (that the ray makes with the normal to a surface) equals the angle of incidence.
Refraction Refraction: the change in direction and speed of a wave as it passes from one medium to another Bending of light as it passes through a prism Check!…What is the proposed path of the incident light?
Refraction Light changes direction (bends) when crossing a boundary from one medium to another. The angle the refracted ray makes with the normal is called the angle of refraction.
Index of Refraction Light slows when traveling through a medium. The index of refraction n of the medium is the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in the medium:
PHYSICS Mr. BALDWIN GEOMETRIC OPTICS 22-Apr-17 AIM: What is Snell’s Law? (How do we determine how much a light ray bends when it enters a medium?) DO NOW: A ray of light enters into a piece of plexiglas. The refractive index of plexiglas is 1.51. What is the speed of light when it enters the plexiglas? Take the speed of light to be 3.0 x 108 m/s. Homework: Handout – Snell’s Law Worksheet BALDWIN 72
Snell’s Law A relationship relating the index of refraction in a given a medium and incident light angle to the index of refraction in the new medium and the refracted light angle. θ1 n1 n1: index of refraction of medium 1 n2: index of refraction of medium 2 θ1: the angle of light in medium 1 θ2: the angle of light in medium 2 n2 θ2
Snell’s Law What do you observe as light enters a medium of higher or lower refractive index? Light bends towards the normal when going from a medium with a smaller index of refraction to a larger index of refraction. Light will have the smaller angle in the medium with the greater index of refraction.
Lenses A lens is a piece of transparent material shaped so that it can produce an image by refracting light that comes from an object Lenses are use in many optical devices such as eyeglasses, cameras, telescopes, etc.
Converging Lens Converging lens is a lens that brings parallel beams of light to a single point called the focus.
Diverging Lens Diverging lens is a lens that spreads out parallel beams of light. The focus is on the same side as the incoming light.