Harmonizing Diverse Practices and Policies Linda Beebe Senior Director, PsycINFO
Following 2 slides from Howard Ratner good reminder Borrowed with permission from his talk December 2011 STM Innovations meeting Ideas generated by the STM Future Lab Committee. ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
NEW ACCESS TO CONTENT * API-platforms for third party developers available at Elsevier, Springer, NPG, IEEE (search) Getting ready for launch: IoPP, T&F, CABI Many more expected to follow Curiosity driven R&D GRANULARITY OF CONTENT SEMANTICS LET THE OUTSIDE WORLD IN OUR CONTENT YOUR WAY CREATE CROSS- PUBLISHER STANDARDS Common metadata Full text formats HTML5 API PLATFORMS XHTML THIRD PARTY APPS App store LINKED DATA LINKED OPEN DATA RDF MOBILE PRODUCTIVITY MULTI-DEVICE PRODUCTIVITY Seamlessly linked platforms M-commerce MOBILE Transmedia items Voice Activation ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
RESEARCH DATA DATA OBJECTS ARE FIRST CLASS RESEARCH OBJECTS MAKE DATA INTERACTIVE share the actual workflow of the researcher? graphics represent data sets; how to open them up? ACTIONABLE DATA DATA CREATION What formats do users want ? COMMON STANDARDS AUTHORING TOOLS how to treat supplemental files to journals? Guidelines for: -Reuse and sharing -Incentives and barriers -Editorial policies Discoverability of data BIG DATA Deep Linking REPOSITORIE S DATACITE Bibliographic tools User behaviour Mendeley CiteSeer ColWiz ReadCUBE Data journal ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
Increased quantities of data are scattered on laptops, in file drawers, on the web—all in danger of being lost, even thrown away. How do we preserve these data?
Establish community norms for transparency, preservation, and reuse of research data. Establish standards for metadata to describe the data and its provenance. Use standards for unique identifiers, especially the DOI, and bi-directional linking. ALA Annual Meeting June 2012 But we live in a complex world.
ALA Annual Meeting June 2012 Researcher InstitutionFunder Publisher Data Manager Major Participants in the Research Cycle
“Hard sciences” such as Physics and Chemistry—long history of handling supplemental material and requiring access to data. Disciplines that study human subjects (psychology, sociology, health sciences)—far less likely to have such practices. There is interest in standards for supplemental material and data deposits. ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
Study of Matter AAAS—must deposit in approved repository. ACS—must submit data and deposit. AGU—must deposit data in approved repository ASPB—must submit to journal. Study of Humans APA—to date only expected to supply for verification. APS—no requirements ASA—no requirements posted AAA—no requirements posted ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
But I see hopeful signs...
Funder mandates for data sharing plans encourage new thinking from some disciplines. Connection with the publications is needed. ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
New initiative from CrossRef Collaboration between publishers and funders to make connections between grants and resulting publications Pilot for publishers to create and submit standard metadata with funder name and grant number. Once database populated, funders can submit queries to get lists of CrossRef DOIs for research they funded. Working group includes several publishers and funders. ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
Included data since 2006, but fielded in 342,275 records from 2006 to present with grant data 728,666 funders listed 811,890 recipients listed (94% single) Contract #s given for 44% of funders Amount of funding given rare (.04%) Note: much of psychological research is not funded. ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
VIVO, designed to facilitate information exhange about research and scholarship. Funded by National Center for Research Resources at NIH. U of Florida, Cornell, Indiana U, Washington U School of Medicine, Scripps Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medical College, and Ponce Medical College. Semantic web of information Interconnectedness and trust support maintenance of research data. ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
Supplemental Journal Article Materials, not focused on underlying research data, but strong recommendations that support curation of the data. Business Policies & Practices cover selecting, editing, hosting, assuring discoverability, referencing, packaging, maintaining links, providing context, and preserving. Technical Recommendations emphasize metadata, persistent identifiers, preservation, packaging and exchange. ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
Bi-directional linking using DOIs, emphasis on persistent linking reliability. Flexibility and simplicity to support either a simple approach or the most detailed and granular metadata. Clear definitions of metadata elements and recommended names for a DTD. Attention to preservation and migration, including saving of objects along the migration chain. ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
Recommendations on citation of Supplemental and Related content. Roles & Responsibilities re these materials: Primary Publishing—Publisher, Editor, Peer Reviewer, Author Related Parties—Libraries, Abstracting & Indexing Services, Repository Administrators ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
Linkability and Citability of Research Data Authors encouraged—deposit validated data in trustworthy/reliable Data Archives. Data Archives encouraged—enable bi- directional linking, datasets to publications with persistent identifiers, e.g. DOIs. Publishers encouraged—increase visibility of links, publications to datasets. ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
Data Archives encouraged—increase visibility of links, datasets to publications. DataCite/STM support principle of data reuse, actively participate in best practice recommendations, citation of datasets. DataCite/STM invite other organizations engaged in research data management to join them and support the statement. / ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
Archives of Scientific Psychology First call for papers to be released in mid- August with publication expected in early Very different from other APA journals in 3 regards: Authors must submit data to APA or approved repository. Journal is electronic only. It is an open access/author pays model. ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
Authors sign a Collaboration Agreement specifying that others may reuse their data. Researchers who wish to reuse the data must sign a Collaboration Agreement stating 1. They will not engage in “gotcha” publishing—run analyses to prove author wrong and publish the results. 2. They will offer the original data collector co-authorship. ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
Change the paradigm for use and reuse of data in psychological research by solving the problems most psychologists cite when asked about sharing data: Others will steal my data when I am not finished using it and I’ll get no academic credit for all my labor. Others may use the data to distort my work and discredit me. Maintain APA’s high standards for peer-reviewed literature and contributions to science. ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
Data loss a growing and serious concern. Can stem the tide with community norms, metadata standards, and unique identifiers. Examples of hopeful signs: FundRef VIVO NISO-NFAIS Initiative STM-DataCite Statement APA’s New Journal—Archives of Scientific Psychology ALA Annual Meeting June 2012
Linda Beebe Senior Director, PsycINFO American Psychological Association ALA Annual Meeting June 2012 Let’s keep those bits and bytes from disappearing.