Cintas Fire Protection Company Field Trip Cintas Fire Protection
AES IntelliNet Fire Alarm Monitoring System Technology Used AES IntelliNet Fire Alarm Monitoring System
How it Works Each transceiver sends a signal and acts as a relay for others Almost infinite number of communication paths allowing for most reliable system All systems are received at the central receiver which transmits back to the central station Network dynamically adapts to changes caused by weather, obstructions or added/subtracted transceivers
How it Works
Building a Network
AES-IntelliNet Uses AA Burglary Communications UL Listed Fire Communications AA Burglary Communications Residential, Commercial and Municipal Alarm Monitoring Home Detention Monitoring
Compared to Other Methods Technology Function Advantage Disadvantage Bottom line Telephone Two telephone lines (for UL and NFPA commercial installations) required Incumbent - most panels have this Paying for two phone lines Starting point for most customers GSM Using cell phone technology Wireless Not UL approved as a primary, can be used as a secondary A slight cost advantage on one phone line, but requires two separate technologies to each panel IP Internet connection through the customer's network Requires a secondary connection source through the phone line. Most networks have outages and you still need one phone line for redundancy. Life Safety relies on IT? CintasNet Radio Frequency communication Does not require a phone line Fastest signal and communication - no dialing! Need to have a signal at the location prior to installing No more phone lines for Fire Alarm Monitoring saving money and increasing reliability.
How it is chosen or purchased Cintas is a national account for AES – Intellinet Cintas purchases the devices through their company Cintas then creates its own network for the area serviced Then in turn, Cintas sells its networking capabilities to those looking for this type of fire protection and safety service