Mental and Emotional Health Care I hate School! I can’t believe he got a better grade than me I can’t stand her, she deserves to be alone she just broke up with me! Sadness Anger Jealousy
Understanding Your Emotions Emotions are your feelings created in response to thoughts, remarks, and events Emotions are your feelings created in response to thoughts, remarks, and events Basic emotions are: Happiness Anger Love Fear Joy Jealousy Anticipation Sadness Jealousy Anticipation Sadness
Expressing Your Emotions Identify the Emotion Identify the Emotion - Calmly tell the other person how you feel Understand the Cause Understand the Cause - Identify what action caused the feeling Respond in a Healthy Way Respond in a Healthy Way - Tell the person what you expect from them in the future
Expressing Your Emotions Exercise
Understanding Your Emotional Needs EVERYONE has 3 Basic Emotional Needs… The need to feel worthwhile -Need to feel you make a difference/contribution in the world The need to love and be loved -Need to feel you are cared for and that you are special to people The need to belong -Need to know that others accept and respect you as you are
Meeting Your Emotional Needs How can you meet your emotional needs? How can you meet your emotional needs? -Help someone -Show affection to family -Volunteer -Abstain from unhealthy behaviors -Talk to a friend -Engage in healthful behaviors
Common Types of Mental Health Problems Anxiety Disorders Anxiety Disorders -Anxiety, Panic, Phobia, Obsessive-Compulsive (rain man, monk) Personality Disorders Personality Disorders -Most serious is Schizophrenia Mood Disorders Mood Disorders -Bipolar, Clinical Depression
Clinical Depression -A mood disorder in which people lose interest in life and can no longer find enjoyment in anything. Warning Signs -Depressed Mood -Lack of Energy -Inability to Concentrate -Withdrawal -Change in Sleep Pattern -Feelings of Worthlessness -Indifference -Pessimism -Irritability or Anger -Thoughts of Death or Suicide
Suicide The leading cause of death among young people between the ages of What are some signs?
With most people, a suicide attempt is a cry for help. -Try to react calmly and let the person talk out his or her feelings. Listen without interrupting! -Don’t make comments challenging the person’s intent, such as “You just want attention.” or “I don’t think you have the nerve to go through with it.” -Offer comfort and support. Tell them how important they are to other people -Urge the person to get help right away. -Don’t promise to keep a conversation about suicide a secret. Suicide - What can you do?
Signs A Person May Need Professional Help Feeling sad or angry for no reason Feeling sad or angry for no reason Aches or pains for no reason Aches or pains for no reason Inability to concentrate Inability to concentrate Lower grades than usual Lower grades than usual Thinking you don’t fit in Thinking you don’t fit in
Therapy Methods Two broad types: Two broad types: Talk therapy-includes a variety of counseling methods (individual, group, family) Biological therapy-involves using medication to treat mental health problems
Sources of Help Parent or other adult family member Parent or other adult family member Clergy member Clergy member Teacher or school counselor Teacher or school counselor Family counselor Family counselor School nurse School nurse Social worker Social worker Psychologist Psychologist Psychiatrist Psychiatrist