Literacy Autobiography Invention Work, Part 1
Brainstorming, Part 2 Begin by simply brainstorming as long a list as you can of writing experiences that seem to you to have been interesting or significant. Remember, these experiences can/should include out-of-school activities as well as those associated with formal education. Make as long a list as you can, censoring yourself as little as possible.
Selection and Detail Select the SINGLE most vivid or interesting of your possible topics. On a note card, list as many details as you can generate about this particular writing incident. List quickly, without censoring yourself. “First thought, best thought.” – Jack Kerouac
Paragraph Draft Look for patterns among the specific details you’ve listed on card #2, ways to link them together and organize them. Use the (somewhat) organized list of details on your first card to write whole sentences, actually a rough draft of a paragraph, on card #3. Attempt to put the details in a meaningful order.