Music Materials at the WSU Library Rachel Crane Music/Fine Arts Librarian Office hours in Jardine: Tuesdays 9-12 a.m. and Thursdays 2-5 p.m. Phone: (Music Library) (Ablah Library)
Location of Materials: Music Library in Jardine has: Scores Scores Sound recordings (music and spoken) Sound recordings (music and spoken) Reference books Reference books Reserve materials Reserve materials Laser disc videos Laser disc videos Listening/viewing Listening/viewing Computer terminals Computer terminals Electronic keyboard Electronic keyboard Printing Printing
Location of Materials: Ablah Library has: Circulating books Circulating books Music Reference section (1 st floor) Music Reference section (1 st floor) Reserve Section (with sound recordings that accompany books) Reserve Section (with sound recordings that accompany books) Videos Videos Periodicals Periodicals Study rooms (24 hour study room) Study rooms (24 hour study room) More computer access and extended hours of operation More computer access and extended hours of operation
Library Home Page, Catalog, and Interlibrary Loan…
WSU Library homepage
From the library homepage, following either link to the library catalog…
The basic search screen is set to search for “Keyword Anywhere”… This works well for distinctive titles, combining terms or for beginning a broad exploration of a new topic. Here is a search for “Russian Music Taruskin”:
The search results in a listing of 6 items. In the first record, note the designated call number for the item and right below it a location note indicating in which library this item will be found. Items are not listed in reverse chronological order of publication date, but may be resorted to that display by using the “Sort By” menu at the right.
A sample record has more information than the initial listing. Note the description information and subject heading. (If you click on the subject heading link, you will find other items dealing with this same subject.)
From our initial list we can “Filter” to try and extract only titles published in 2006 to the present, selecting the appropriate link at the right. This search produced only books, but if the results contained scores, sound recordings, or videos, we could limit to those formats by way of the respective links.
To search for a specific title, change the “within” option to “Title” and enter the appropriate title information in the “Search” field. The title does not need to be entered in full. Truncation will occur automatically, as in the following search:
Entering “Hard Hitting Songs” results in this record with its full title: “Hard Hitting Songs for Hard-Hit People.” Call Number
To search for a journal title, change the selection in the “within” box accordingly: (Note – we have truncated the search by using a “?” which will give us titles ending in all forms of the word “music,” such as musical, musicological, etc..)
Our results list contains 3 titles. Note the dates given. The “Journal of the American Musicological Society” began in 1948, but the library has almost all volumes from 1948 to the present. The library has both print and electronic subscriptions to this journal: Print Electronic
The record for print copies of this journal displays more detailed location information. “Recent Issues” are unbound journals located in the New Periodicals Room on the 1 st floor, Ablah Library.
“Older Issues” are the bound copies, shelved with books. This record indicates that the Library owns volumes , and vol The comma at the end of a line in the “Older Issues” field indicates a missing issue(s). The “Location” field indicates that older issues are located in “Compact Shelving” and can be retrieved by inquiry to the Circulation Desk at Ablah Library.
The volumes listed as “Temporarily shelved at Ablah Library” are located on the 2 nd floor of Ablah Library, on the shelves with the books.
Search for an author by inverting the name (last name, first name) and changing the “within” box accordingly.
There are 34 titles by Charles Rosen, the musician, either as an author of a book, as a performer on a recording, or as an editor of a score. If you are unsure of which Charles Rosen is the one you are searching for, follow the links and check the titles.
We can search for a subject, as in the following search for titles about Berlioz:
The library has 30 titles about Berlioz in general: (Note an item about Berlioz’s “Damnation de Faust” and a “See” reference which confirms the use of the French “de” over the English “of” in the catalog.)
The 30 items about Berlioz in general, do not appear chronologically by publication date. You may sort the list by another order than the default by selecting a “Sort By” option.
Is it a ‘3’ or an ‘8’? Can’t read the handwriting or don’t see the item on the shelf as expected? Want to browse the shelves from a distance? Quickly confirm the call number and/or status of the item by entering a distinctive portion of the number:
Here, find a listing of those items beginning with the call number “ML300.T38”:
If you wish to search for something but are unsure about how it might be listed in the catalog, if you want to combine terms, or want to limit the search by format, switch to an “Advanced“ search:
Anything entered in a given field will automatically be searched as a phrase and will search the contents notes of catalog records. All fields need not be completed. Truncate a term with a question mark, (as in “concert?”), which should yield a search with all possible endings of the word (concerto, concerti, concertino, etc.).
Limit a search to a specific format, in this case “Music Score.” (Note: Limit to videorecordings under the “Format” menu.) This search for a score of Mozart’s Piano Concerto, in d minor, K.466…:
finds 11 scores. (Note: record #5 is a collection of concertos. Click on the title link of the record to see which concertos are included within.)
The “Advanced” search is especially good for looking up individual song or aria titles…
There are 14 sound recordings and scores containing the aria “O mio babbino caro.” (Note: this will not include the titles containing the full opera.)
Record #2…
An Advanced search also works well for titles of a popular nature…
Do NOT use the “Articles” tab for articles relating to music…
The music options for an “Article” search through the catalog will ONLY search in: Academic OneFile, Humanities Full Text, and the Oxford Music Online databases. This is NOT sufficient.
Items found in the Course Reserve sections of the libraries… (found under the 4 rd tab – use the pull-down menus)
Professor King has 17 items on reserve here. Note the location. They are found in the Music Library, in Duerksen. Again, course reserve materials may be found in both the main library and in the music branch.
If what you need is not in our library, you may request it through interlibrary loan. This is a free service. Please allow enough time for your requests to be processed and delivered.
To use the Interlibrary Loan service, following either link to the Interlibrary Loan webpages…
If you are new to the process, sign up for a FREE interlibrary loan account.
Choose the format you wish to request from the options at the left. If you are requesting a video or sound recording, choose “Other (Free Text)”
The interlibrary loan form to request an article from a periodical… Fill in as much information as possible.
You may check the status of your requests by logging in and viewing a listing of “Outstanding Requests.”
See also, online guides for the RILM, Music Index, and Oxford Music Online databases, for information on locating journal articles and additional materials relating to music. For questions or comments: Revised June 2011