Intervening with Domestic Violence Perpetrators: How Focusing on Perpetrators Improves Community- Wide Practice for Families Kristen Selleck, MSW David.


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Presentation transcript:

Intervening with Domestic Violence Perpetrators: How Focusing on Perpetrators Improves Community- Wide Practice for Families Kristen Selleck, MSW David Mandel &Associates, LLC May 9, 2013

Safe and Together™ Principles Keeping children Safe and Together™ with non-offending parent Safety Healing from trauma Stability and nurturance Partnering with the non-offending parent as default position Efficient Effective Child-centered Intervening with perpetrator to reduce risk and harm to child Engagement Accountability Courts (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

Safe and Together™ Critical Components Perpetrator’s pattern of coercive control Actions taken by the perpetrator to harm the child Full spectrum of the non-offending parent’s efforts to promote the safety and well being of the child Adverse impact of the perpetrator’s behavior on the child Role of substance abuse, mental health, culture and other socio- economic factors (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

Actions Taken by the Batterer to Harm the Children Choosing to expose them to their abusive behavior Using children as a weapon against the children's other parent Undermining the other person's parenting efforts Accidentally causing physical harm to children as a result of the violence towards non-offending parent Physical/sexual/e motional abuse or neglect perpetrated directly against the children (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

Pathways to Harm Abuse by perpetrator Towards non- offending parent Direct abuse or neglect of child Abuse of siblings Effect on partner’s parenting Depression/PTSD/a nxiety/substance abuse Loss of authority Energy goes to addressing perpetrator instead of children Interference with day to day routine and basic care Effects on family ecology Loss of income Housing instability Loss of contact with extended family Educational and social disruptions Harm to child (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

Practice Implications Direct practice with survivors o Strengths-based o Trauma informed o Supports needs of children/parenting o Perpetrators’ behaviors as context Direct practice with perpetrators o Behavior change is the goal o Focus on the impact on children o Monitor over time o Informed by experiences of children and survivors (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission Screening o Trauma-based behaviors and needs o DV context for working with individuals with various needs Interviewing/Engaging o Focus on perpetrators’ behaviors, strengths of survivors and needs of children Direct practice with children o Relationship between children and survivors o Relationship between children and perpetrators o Trauma o Behavioral issues

Group Activity: Discussion Questions What current practices (in your own and/or other systems) can be amended to focus on perpetrators’ exclusive role in harming children? (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

Intervening with Perpetrators Direct Community-based Indirect Through child-centered practices (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

Direct Interventions with Perpetrators (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission Interviewing with Purpose Documenting behaviors Family conferences/team meetings Referrals to BIP with details about behaviors Juvenile/Dependency court proceedings Discussing concerns and plans with: o Providers o Law enforcement o Criminal court personnel (including prosecutors) o Probation officers

Case Plan Recommendations (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission For the perpetrator : Batterer Intervention (rather than anger management, individual therapy or couples’ counseling); Substance Abuse or Mental Health Treatment (when necessary); behavior- specific goals (to end violent behaviors and provide safety and for basic needs of children) For the survivor : Continue efforts to provide for the safety and well-being of children; to know about available resources (domestic violence advocates, shelter, therapy for self or children); to continue to inform child welfare of perpetrator’s behaviors

Case Plan Recommendations, Continued (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission To avoid : Case plans that ask both partners to end the perpetrator’s behaviors (Example: Mom and Dad should not engage in further DV); Case plans that overburden survivors with services simply because the perpetrator is not working with CPS; Case plans that do not take into account batterer- generated risks Making victims responsible for perpetrators’ behaviors is both dangerous and counterproductive to child welfare’s goals

Batterer Intervention Treatment Issues (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission Counseling should focus on stopping the abuse o Behavior change is the priority Anger management, couples counseling and individual counseling are problematic with domestic violence perpetrators Communication between provider and CPS is critical to avoid the batterer manipulating either party o Share with program what you know about the batterer's pattern of coercive control and actions to harm the children. o Share what your goals for the batterer are Substance treatment is best done at the same time (if possible)

Community Based Interventions Regardless of whether you or your system directly intervenes with perpetrators, you are part of a community that does Perpetrators are more likely to change behaviors when there is a clear coordinated response by community partners (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

Calling criminal court or probation Working with law enforcement Informing batterer intervention providers about batterer behaviors Talk to substance abuse and mental health providers Interview the perpetrator about the impact of their behaviors on children Have a family conference with the perpetrator’s resources related to behavior change (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

Indirect Interventions with Perpetrators Documentation Discussion with those who are working with perpetrators Use knowledge of perpetrators’ behaviors to guide practice with survivors and children Provide context to issues in the family functioning Understanding the role of the perpetrator at all times (in relationship, post-separation, new relationship) (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission

Child-Centered Interventions with Perpetrators Is this best for the children? Does it take into account the safety of the children in various circumstances? Does it take into account situation changes? Does it take into account the trauma children have experienced/ could potentially experience? Does it improve the relationship between survivors and children? Does it allow for stability for the children? Does it allow for the children to safely talk about their experiences? (c)2013 David Mandel & Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission