Why? What? How?. A. He challenged the authority of Jewish-religious leaders.


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Presentation transcript:

Why? What? How?

A. He challenged the authority of Jewish-religious leaders

 E.g. “worked” on Sabbath

 E.g. taught Law “with authority”

 E.g. forgave sins (only God can)

 E.g. disregarded purity laws

 E.g. freely associated with sinners

 E.g. taught that material wealth does not mean being “right” with God; being rich but ignoring poor = sin

B. He came to Jerusalem – much too direct of a challenge to Temple authorities

 E.g. welcomed as a king

 E.g. threw out money changers in Temple (religious epicenter) – angered by intertwining of commerce/profit with faith

A. (for which he was arrested) Blasphemy =irreverent speech about God =claiming powers only God has =any thought, word, or act that expresses hatred or contempt for God Traditional punishment: death by stoning

B. (for which he was crucified) Blasphemy – not a capital crime in Roman Empire Sedition/Treason =claiming to be king in competition to Caesar Traditional punishment : death by crucifixion

No! -Jesus had to be born to people in covenant -To fulfill God’s plan, He had to die this way -There were Jews in the trial who stood up for him: Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea…

= exceptionally brutal Roman execution = meant to be as horrific as possible to frighten people into obedience = reserved for the worst offenders of the lowest class = reserved for foreigners; not Roman citizens

= whipping with whip that has pieces of bone & metal embedded in the leather = meant to tear skin off back = element of mocking (in Jesus’ case – crown of thorns, purple robe…)

= carrying cross (300 lbs) / crossbeam ( lbs) on which one will be crucified on a bloody back ¼ mile (from Preston’s front door to East Tremont, uphill)

= meant to completely humiliate = meant to tear whipped/torn skin

= wrists nailed to crossbeam, that is then lifted into place = arms/feet tied to cross to keep body from tearing free from nails = to relieve pain in chest – push/pull on stakes through feet

= could last for days before death from: - blood loss - sepsis - infection - dehydration - exposure - inability to breath (asphixiation – due to hyper- explansion of chest muscles & lungs)

 Foot rest – meant to prolong the suffering, offered opportunity to shift position & breath  Small seat (w/ upright spike) – also meant to allow shifting as well as additional pain

Gospels take great care to show human emotions - doubt - fear - pain - betrayal 100% human – NOT sheltered from human experience

Jesus showed us that it is not wrong to want to avoid pain & death. But His commitment to following God’s will was stronger than His fear.

Jesus willing accepted 1. Ultimate pain (refused wine/myrrh) 1. Humiliation (physical & indignity of being between 2 thieves)